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  1. ray fdny

    lighting question, and others

    hello again, my lighting question is this. i am an electrition( as well as a fireman) and am working with metal halides all the time.. i was wondering are they the same type you would use on a tank or woult the commercially available lamps and ballests be too hot for a reef tank? i now have...
  2. ray fdny

    55 gallon

    how are coral life lights?..2x96w 10,000k any good?
  3. ray fdny

    fish and inverts from the wild is this ok?

    ray here, with another question... my father is a professional scuba diver in the new york new jersey area. he claims that in the end of the summer when the water i warmest, he sees all kinds of tropical fish and inverts not from our area like sea horses, earchants, stars, small crabs and fish...
  4. ray fdny

    new talk missing fish please help

    thanks again... i will look for that book and start looking for another filter(they are defentally not good?) i spent so much money on fish already.... ill check ne news paper and stuff for something used how bout a small fluval or somehting i always see people selling them.... what should i...
  5. ray fdny

    new talk missing fish please help

    yes about the parameters... i have been at work for the past 24 hours and will check them again as soom as i go home and write to you guys( i have a salt water master test kit)it tests amonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph... is there any other tests i have to go buy? if you think the damsels are no...
  6. ray fdny

    new talk missing fish please help

    yes im a firefighter from brooklyn.... but i live in staten island.... any way thank you for your info i thought i was going crazy. Umm i guess i will give him some time. maybe he is in there. About the tank i cycled the rock for two weeks until my amonia and nitrite was zero...then let it sit...
  7. ray fdny

    new talk missing fish please help

    hello all, ive been reading this forum for a couple days now and everything ive read so far has been verry helpful.... Now to my problem.... i set up a 55g with an amiracle wet dry and a coral life protien skimmer, with two powerheads.... i bought online 65 pounds of L/R and cured it...
  8. ray fdny

    new talk missing fish please help

    hello all ive been reading this forum for a couple days now and everything ive read so far has been verry helpful....