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  1. rroberts

    Retro fitting a Eclispe 3 hood

    How high off the water do you recommend the light being?
  2. rroberts

    Retro fitting a Eclispe 3 hood

    Hi Slick. What type of hood would you recommend. I've looked at some small MH setups. Do you need to plywood?
  3. rroberts

    Retro fitting a Eclispe 3 hood

    Has anyone tried to retro an eclispe 3 hood for a metal halide light? Any success?
  4. rroberts

    Bio Wheel Stopped

    I've got a good bit of LR. Yes it will will turn if I spin in manually. I'm just concerned that I'll lose all the biological filtration that has built up over the last 10 months.
  5. rroberts

    Bio Wheel Stopped

    My bio wheel has stopped spinning. Can I just replace it? I didn't know if that would cause some type of shock to my system? Thanks!
  6. rroberts

    Upgrading lighting

    I'd like to upgrade my lighting. Right now I have 60 watt Power Compacts in an eclipse tank. If I wanted higher wattage lights can I just replace the bulbs? I guess what I'm getting at is are the bulbs the sames size just different watts? Thanks.
  7. rroberts

    Limit on number of shrimp?

    What you you all think is the limit to the number of peppermint shrimp you can put in a 30 gallon tank? All I have are two clowns and a lot rock. I think they are neat and want to use them to control aptasia. Thanks.
  8. rroberts

    Free Coral Banded Shrimp - Atl, Ga

    Hey Hair Trigger: I put a large rock of the "anenome's" hole so hopefully he will not be able to mess with my Ricordia!
  9. rroberts

    Free Coral Banded Shrimp - Atl, Ga

    Glad you like him. I can't find the frag so if you cut off a new one that'd be cool. I can swing by your place and have a look at the tank too. I'm sure if the shirmp had known what kind of home he was going to he would have been a lot easier to catch! Haha. BTW: The "anenome" is back.
  10. rroberts

    Free Coral Banded Shrimp - Atl, Ga

    Yeah it sounds like the little guy is going to a good home. He's not going to know what to think going from a 30 gallon tank to a 200 gallon tank! :)
  11. rroberts

    Free Coral Banded Shrimp - Atl, Ga

    I have a large CBS that I will give away to anyone in Atlanta area. I want to get several peppermint shrimps and can't because the CBS kills everyone I put in there. email me @
  12. rroberts

    Does anyone know what this is?

    Well I woke up this morning and it had moved next to some coral frags that I have and nearly killed them. I took out the rock it was attached to. I hope it dies as it killed another coral I had about a month ago.
  13. rroberts

    Does anyone know what this is?

    Curly Q anenome?
  14. rroberts

    Does anyone know what this is?

    I have a book that says I can take a screw driver and grind it out of existence. Is this recommended or will it spread the animal?
  15. rroberts

    Does anyone know what this is?

    This guy has been growing in my tank for about 2 months. I thought it might be an anenome? :confused:
  16. rroberts

    Snipping aptasia

    Hello: I read in a marine problem solver book that you can snip (with scissors) aptasia. I did this and the animal retreated into it's whole. Can I continue to do this with out adverse problems? I didn't know if it could poison the water or anything. Thanks.
  17. rroberts

    CBS - Atlanta Area

    I tried before. He/She ate two peppermint shrimps as soon as I put them in. He's HUGE and really runs the tank (30 gallon).
  18. rroberts

    CBS - Atlanta Area

    Hello all - I posted this in the classified, but thought it'd get more attention here. I have a LARGE CBS if anyone wants it in the Atlanta area. I want to get rid so I can add some peppermint shrimps.
  19. rroberts

    CBS - Atlanta Area

    I have a large CBS that I would like to sale for $10. I'm in the Atlanta area. I'm selling so I can get some peppermint shrimps. I tried adding a couple before and CBS ate them.
  20. rroberts

    Aptasia or Curly Q Anenome

    No: It's completely clear.