Search results

  1. fishinchick


    I was at my LFS store today and saw a bag of that black sand. (In theory it would look cool mixed in "stripes" of contrasting white sand but, uh, the fish wouldnt have it that way would be my guess!) I am pretty sure that it doesnt fit my needs/theme but can it be used in a reef tank? My...
  2. fishinchick

    Button Polyups

    My parameters are just about the same in my tank as mad_dog and I have the same situation. They started it about a week ago. Now some are opening, but some are shut tight. All the other corals and anenomes are fine otherwise. Bizarre. If anyone knows whats up I would sure like to hear what...
  3. fishinchick

    Green spotted puffer in saltwater?

    Good we are glad to addict you further. I think the spotted puffers have too much personality to be ignored. Aside from the fact that they seem to have less advwerse side effects - more so than the rest of the "puffer clan". I sure adore my little guys! When I get that 180 up I was...
  4. fishinchick

    Actinic Lighting - I searched - couldnt find what I need to know...

    So I have looked everywhere, I even did a search. I read a ton of good stuff and as usual learned something that I had yet to know. BUT.......... I cannot seem to locate any places that carry 12" actinics! I have on on one of my tanks right now that needs to be replaced soon and the store that I...
  5. fishinchick

    Green spotted puffer in saltwater?

    Hey!! I have two spotted green puffers. Puffy and spotty (the kids named them). Originally purchased as fresh water I was told that they dont live very long that way. SO with a little research on the internet I was able to locate the SG for them. They like a slightly higher ph - like a chiclid...
  6. fishinchick

    Bubbletip cruising the tank

    i have had this little guy for about 3 mo. now. He has stayed on this particular rock unmoving until tonite. I checked the tank and everything is fine, he just wants to move. I am just worried about him hanging out in all those bubbles. I remember hearing a story about anenomes and how bubbles...
  7. fishinchick

    Bubbletip cruising the tank

    I have read that at times bubbles in anenomes are not so good. My Bubble tip has wandered toward the back of the tank near a bubble wand. Should I move him to another part of the tank? Or just let him cruise?
  8. fishinchick

    Blue Striped Damsel is on crack

    pat give me an email I am on the bordr of Riverside/SanBernardino I know of a few good ones
  9. fishinchick

    180 gallon tank - ordered

    You guys have been incredibly helpful. Its going to be a reef tank. I have a 35 currently that I have been incredibly successful with. I know its smaller than what I should have used but I did work at a LFS for several years and my job was taking care of the Salt Water section (which in my...
  10. fishinchick

    Blue Striped Damsel is on crack

    really guys try moving the rocks, it works in several cases of territorial fish. He is awfully pretty, i really dont want to take him back. I bought him because I wanted him there. Kind of pointless to return him dontcha think?
  11. fishinchick

    neon dottyback-CAUGHT!!!!!!!!

    LOL you made my day! Great story there Trapper!! Corky 1 - Dottyback 0
  12. fishinchick

    Reason number 37,250 not to shop at petkill(*****)

    ***** to the pet/fish industry is like K-Mart is to Macys. They are ghetto and the sales people dont usually know what they are doing having no official training. Matter of fact they keep asking ME questions. I am happy to see that Petsmart is finally giving in and supplying a minimal amount...
  13. fishinchick

    Which Crabs to get?

    I have a 35 and had some big hair algae troubles. I got 6 scarlet hermits and 4 turbos snails and they made pretty quick work of that algae, like 2 days worth of quick work, I was amazed!! Even the fish were surprised. I also added some grape caulerpa which is reportedly said to reduce...
  14. fishinchick

    180 gallon tank - ordered

    Okay so I want to get this right from the start!! I ordered my 180 gallon reef tank today! :-) I am going to NOT put in an undrgravel filter this time. I saw a discussion recently about substrates but I didnt see that the formula is. I would like CC on the very bottom, just a little bit, then...
  15. fishinchick

    Blue Striped Damsel is on crack

    Never fear, I do not give up that easily. I will not flush him he is settling down now that he sees the blenny couldnt care less what he thinks. I have found, and I try to use this as a last resort, if you have a territorial fish if you move the rocks around a little (nothing too major, just...
  16. fishinchick

    Canister Filters and Wet/Dry filters ???

    I have been told that you dont need a canister filter if you have a wet/dry. BUT...... everyone elses system I see has both. Anyone have an opinion on this? I am gathering up stuff for my big move up to a 125g reeftank. I have to say that I have read many good ideas of this board and am...
  17. fishinchick

    Blue Striped Damsel is on crack

    I just purchased a lawnmower blenny and periodically my blue striped damsel goes up an inch or so above the blenny, points his nose up toward the top of the tank and fans the blenny with his tail. I was thinking he was being the territorial little fart he always is with the domino but fanning...
  18. fishinchick

    I saw a scooter blenny for the first time today and.....

    dragonettes! That was the name I was trying to think of, and the less educated LFS calls them (generically) scooter blennies. Thank YOu!!! Boy I need to go get some sleep between the tank and this place I am getting no sleep!!
  19. fishinchick

    Hair algae

    actually I finally found it, or at least some info about it BUT where can I buy some? Or have a coice of varieties in which to purchase? Please email my any inf?
  20. fishinchick

    Hair algae

    Maroon_clownfish mentioned a plant called Caulpurnea Racemosa I have searched for it and cannot find it, I must be dense. Is this the right spelling for it?