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  1. fishinchick

    I saw a scooter blenny for the first time today and.....

    I read someplace (clicking around looking for wehre I read it) many fish stores sell many things called scooter blennies. Its a generalization for "unidentifiable blenny". The "Scooter" I got when I first got started in this was brown and white speckled with little blue spots on his tail, no...
  2. fishinchick

    Portein Skimmer gets rid of Iodine & other Important Trace Elements!!!???

    OMG I never even considered that factor!! thank you for bringing it up. So what do you reccomend? Removing charcol? Turning off protein skimmer? Yikes! :eek:
  3. fishinchick


    It appears to be dead coral reef that had broken off and been rolled around a bit, this is what they said it was. No sharp edges, but there are alot of nooks and crannies and little caverns. (Keeping in mind that the place where the rock was taken from is a California plant) The divers just...
  4. fishinchick

    Catalina goby?

    The Garabaldi, as far as I have been told, are protected. They are the California state fish. Thats why you see so many of these little orange jewels peeking out from the kelp at Catalina. There are big "no-no" messages posted in fish and game books that these are not to be kept if caught and...
  5. fishinchick

    advise that does not sit well with me.

    But when something goes wrong with your tank and you come here with a question to post one of the first thing everyone will ask is ph, ammo, nitrates, etc. OR what your setup is. One always follows the other. A general test kit is 20 bucks, not very expenisve at all and a good investment even if...
  6. fishinchick

    over heating

    Sometimes my system gets warm too and with the cost of electricity in CA like it is now (eek) I keep 1 litre bottles from drinking Pepsi throughly washed and filled with water, I put them in the sump and it helps alot. I also blow a fan over the top of the tank. I asked my husband one time to do...
  7. fishinchick

    someone ask me!

    just make sure your LFS doesnt sell you a camelback shrimp - looks just like the peppermint shrimp but has a prominent hump like a camel. They WILL eat aptasia SOMEWHAT but not useful enough to do good like a peppermint shrimp will (experience :eek: )
  8. fishinchick


    huh? Might want to rephrase that there, I was following this topic pretty good until now..... can ya reword that please? :) :)
  9. fishinchick

    Catalina goby?

    (Garabaldis?! arent those like illegal to keep in a tank? They are protected - and all over the place when I dive at catalina). If you have ever been snorkeling or diving at Catalina you will notice that the water is colder than the water in your tank. They would not do well, they live for a...
  10. fishinchick

    synthetic salts

    I have used both Kent and Instant Ocean. Instand Ocean, after a little while, does not mix right and leaves this whitish residue in the barrel I mix it in, when It try to net it out it dissapates. Otherwise everything else tests fine. Bizarre I say! Kent doesnt do that!
  11. fishinchick


    My husband has befriended the owner of a company that supplies So. Calif area with real salt water from the ocean. They had a bin of coral that has sat dry for about 8 months while they entertained thoughts of starting into the live rock business. My husband was told to pick out some to take...
  12. fishinchick

    strange sponge coral in my tank......HELP

    no they are not - spiky i looked up the pic. They are smooth fingery tubes with holes in the center of them, pinkish purple in color. These were growing on the float part that holds up the gangway, she simply leaned over the edge and plucked him out of the water. She says sometimes her...
  13. fishinchick

    strange sponge coral in my tank......HELP

    No, sorry, I dont have a digital camera, I am a graphic designer, I just usually draw stuff. lol. I am not much of a shutter bug. Doesnt taking flash shots of your aquariums piss off your anenomies and fish? I always cover my tanks in a lightning storm to keep them from being scared by...
  14. fishinchick

    strange sponge coral in my tank......HELP

    sorry, got it attached now I think, if not reply to my email address as I am new and cant seem to figure that out yet (water on the brain I think). If you email me I will be more than happy to send you the image. Thanks a ton!! :D
  15. fishinchick

    Disappearing Green Chromis?

    I had 3 green chromis, now I only have three. Neither of the other two are talking, I think they must also have something to do with that Conditt case, either way they aint talking. Every time I add a third one to the group (I hear they like to be in 3's) the new one dissappears. Creepy is...
  16. fishinchick

    strange sponge coral in my tank......HELP

    So in the middle of a divorce, a friend offers me her salt tank. Neither side wants it. Poor tank. Anyway, inside this reef tank is a sort of sponge coral that I have never seen before. I have looked at several resource pages and could not find anything that looked like it. When I asked her...