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  1. lulabulla

    brine shrimp disaster

    Rykna i emailed you. thanks for your help.
  2. lulabulla

    brine shrimp disaster

    yes please PM me rykna.. i need some help.. i just wanna make sure that im not being miss understood, but im failing at decapping my eggs and not having a hatching sucess. i have had sucess in the past but now just 100% fails. if you know what im doing wrong pleeeeese let me know. thanks
  3. lulabulla

    Pandora Yellow seahorse

    awww... she is so pretty.
  4. lulabulla

    brine shrimp disaster

    ok i dont know what is going on but i have done a few runs of brine shrimp hatches. the first one came out so perfect no problems. i thought this would be a piece of cake... since then i have attempted 4 other batches which have ALL failed. i have decapsilated every batch and then tried to...
  5. lulabulla

    14gal BioCube and Seahorses!

    Originally Posted by jon56048 I have dwarf seahorses in my wife 14g BioCube and there doing grate i have a 14 gal. biocube, did you modify at all? if so what did you do? i just ordered loc-line to modify and a new pump and wondering what mods can be done. thanks
  6. lulabulla

    What is the name of your fish? And why did you name it that?

    dwarf feather duster~ swiffer sweeper pepermint shrimp~ pepi bumble bee snail~ benjamin blumchen (from german cartoon) sea hare~ shrek emerald crab~ emerald (from emerald live... baaam) 2 micro brittle stars~ miloli'i & punalu'u 3 cerith snails~ larry, curly & mo 2 nassarius snails~ hide & seek...
  7. lulabulla

    New Girl

    Originally Posted by Rykna Me either, when are you ordering them? i would like to get them over the next few weeks. all i have left to do is a little modification on my tank (so i need to order the parts asap) and im good to go. i have found a local place that has them, but i am not sure if i...
  8. lulabulla

    New Girl

    she is beautiful! i cant wait to get my ponies.
  9. lulabulla

    How do you Battle Hydroids?

    Some types of hydroids can be eradicated from the aquarium by raising the water temperature to 92°F or above for period of 3-5 days (Liisa Coit, pers. com.). Keep all of the filters and equipment operating so that the hot water circulates throughout them and destroys any hydroids or...
  10. lulabulla

    fuge in 14 gal biocube

    i want to make a fuge for some cheato. for 2 main reasons.. 1~ more oxygen at night. i will be running a night light schedule which i learned here is a big YES. & 2~ i want to seed with pods for the ponies. This is my goal with it anyway. if there are any suggestions im always ears! thanks a bunch
  11. lulabulla

    fuge in 14 gal biocube

    oohhh.. that is nice i think i will def. get one like that for a 10 gal. tank i want to set up in the near future. as for the tank i have, the chamber in the back is perfect for one it just needs a little modifying. i have an idea of how to do it but not a 100% sure. i know i would have to...
  12. lulabulla

    fuge in 14 gal biocube

    I would like to add a fuge in chamber 2 of my biocube. does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to set it up. I plan on keeping DSH's so i would like to have a good place to have pods. I already have a good supply in the tank but I am assuming they wont last long once the ponies are in...
  13. lulabulla

    pipefish w/ seahorses

    what an awsome picture!!!
  14. lulabulla

    it seems im never going to sell this so i guess i will part

    is your purple gorgonian still available? if so how much and do you ship to 97113? please PM me. thanks
  15. lulabulla

    protien skimmer help

    thanks. thats what i thought but the lfs told me other wise... should i even turn it on now? i read soemwhere that they need to be broke in. is that the case? also it pretty much done cycled all levels are good and i have a small clean up crew.....
  16. lulabulla

    protien skimmer help

    hi i have a biocube protien skimmer and its hooked up to my 14 gal. biocube. im not sure if its working right, if i have it set up right or if its too early for any results. i am still in the cycling process~ 4 weeks into it and its pretty much done. i dont have any live stock in there except...
  17. lulabulla

    dwarf seahorses in my 14 gal. biocube.

    so kiddos are in bed and i had a min. to get these cropped. i hope they come out ok. oh and the diatom bloom is finally going away. arg and to think i need to restart.. whop whop whop.. thanks for the support!
  18. lulabulla

    dwarf seahorses in my 14 gal. biocube.

    Originally Posted by Rykna To save your critters this is what I suggest: Set up a small 5-10 gallon quarentine tank(QT) with RO water. does this tank need to be cycled? *Use a turkey baster to suck up the micro brittle stars. *give the mini stars a fresh water dip(I can guide you through that...
  19. lulabulla

    dwarf seahorses in my 14 gal. biocube.

    i have seen this picture before to compare and i would say yes and no. here is a picture i took of mine. they almost look like new born brittle stars and after a few days they seem to be getting more tenticles, either that or they are just getting a bit bigger. they havent seem to grow any...