Search results

  1. sk8america

    bristle tooth tang

    i have a bristle tooth tang on hold at my lfs he is a cute little guy but i cant find any info about them is there another name they are known by
  2. sk8america

    Current pics

    i feel your pain with the tsnk crash my 55 crashed in early december but so far it has been exiting starting from scratch and being able to fix all the mistakes i made the first time
  3. sk8america

    Help for open brain coral

    yeah if u have some kind of liquid food just take a syringe and shoot it at his mouths i did this with a donut coral that i got that had alot of tissue death and within a little while the tissue started growing again now its almost a full circle
  4. sk8america

    need a skimmer

    ok cool my email is
  5. sk8america

    need a skimmer

    im am looklinf for a back pack skimmer for my 55 anybody who would be willing to ship to canada really desperate my seaclone is busted.
  6. sk8america

    need new skimmer
  7. sk8america

    need new skimmer

    yea this thing has caused me more greif than it is worth i have tried changing the o rings and even siliconed the damn thing together it doesn't help it just finds another place to drip. Where can i get and remora skimmer i have looked fro them and haven't really found one another option for me...
  8. sk8america

    What Steps to Follow When Upgrading Tank

    if u are putting r 180 in another part of the room that would be really easy u can start my moving some lr,ls,and water from ur old tank into the new once and 2 or 3 times a week move more and more then start moving some of your fish in after most of your rock is in there and after the fish move...
  9. sk8america

    Is adding one more fish asking for trouble?

    triggers are pretty aggressive he will probably leave your lion alone but more than likley will chase your puffer.
  10. sk8america

    clean up crew

    i need to upgrade my clean up crew for my 55 gallon since i haven't done it in awhile and it is getting kinda dirty. right now i have. 4blue leg hermits 1 scarlet hermet emerald crab 2 turbo snails 2 margarita 1 trochus 3 bumble bee snails 5 nassarious snails i was thinking about getting...
  11. sk8america

    need new skimmer

    i have had my seaclone 100 for about a year and a half i bought it used from a friend of mine. In the last 6 months it has started dripping from the attachment. Which now means that i have to have an unsightly and annoying bucket in front of my tank i have tried everything to get it to stop is...
  12. sk8america

    zoos zoos zoos

    looking for anyone who has lime green or blue zoos to add some color to my tank i am willing to pay for them i dont have any corals that r big enough to frag and trade