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  1. sea_squirt

    Saltwater in SC?

    I am trying to meet fellow hobbiest...besides the ones that own their own tank at the LFS...(no offense..they would rather sell it to me rather than trade)..would like to eventually trade corals locally...right now I only have a few but slowly building...
  2. sea_squirt

    How much lighting??

    And this may be a stupid question, but does the amount of lighting effect water clarity? I have seen tanks where they look a bit cloudy with minimal lighting ...and when extra lighting is added..they appear clearer..... :thinking:
  3. sea_squirt

    How much lighting??

    Currently have a a 92 gallon corner tank that I am setting up as a reef tank. I have not yet conquered the true understanding of lighting, although everytime I read something, it seems to be a bit different than the last thing I have read...this is what I currently have: 36" with 96 watt...
  4. sea_squirt

    Anemone Question

    I introduced a BT anemone and maroon clownfish to my 92 gallon bowfront corner tank..Everything is great...both are doing wonderful...but when I first placed them in the tank...the anemone wedged himself on the backside of the reef...instead of the clown peeks out to let me know she's...
  5. sea_squirt

    New Salt Tank...when Do I Get A Clean Up Crew???

    Originally Posted by civileng68 I put live rock in my tank and let it do it's spiking and cycling and within a few weeks that things was primed and perfect and I have NEVER had a single amonia spike, even when overfeeding and adding new fish. Quick question...what about your nitrites and...
  6. sea_squirt

    please help quick

    New too....but I thought elevated ammonia levels were part of the tanks cycle :notsure: ??
  7. sea_squirt

    New Salt Tank...when Do I Get A Clean Up Crew???

    I set up my new tank going on 4 wks ago...92 gallon corner tank...My ammonia spiked about the 2nd I am waiting for my nitrites to drop before my first water change...I have a few damsels too...but I also lost a few...unfortunately I listened to my lfs and used damsels to start the...