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  1. seahorsecu

    poor horses

    Algea is growing on my ponies! :mad: My poor babies! What do I do? (My adult pair, not the fry.)
  2. seahorsecu

    Wormlike things on LR

    Originally Posted by SigmaChris Sounds like a Q tip sponge to me or a spaghetti worm. they may be creepy, but they are good sand-sifters for your tank
  3. seahorsecu

    Seahorse Babies!!!!( :

    Originally Posted by autofreak44 lets see some pix! srry i cant help you with you feeding question i have some but they are on my cell i don kno how 2 transfer them 2 my comp
  4. seahorsecu

    Seahorse Babies!!!!( :

    Originally Posted by Rykna Well, it's the least I can do after all the help every gave for Romeo Let's keep these little fry swimming :happyfish sounds like one time-consuming plan!
  5. seahorsecu

    Seahorse Babies!!!!( :

    Originally Posted by Rykna You need live baby brine shrimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are some threads that I have started. Raising H. erectus fry By David Mulcahy [hr] Feeding Babies: These comments are based upon my experience raising 42...
  6. seahorsecu

    Seahorse Babies!!!!( :

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 Factor 1: The first factor is water quality. H reidi fry is very picky when it comes to this, but not as picky as you may think. The most important aspect other than your basics is pathogens. You can have the best water quality possible but if there are parasites...
  7. seahorsecu

    New to corals

    Oh yeah, some large (usually stinging), corrals need a brine every once in a while.
  8. seahorsecu

    New to corals

    Most you feed them phtoplankton. (Did I spell that right?) It is a powder that goes in your fridge. They do also need a strong light system.
  9. seahorsecu

    Seahorse Babies!!!!( :

    My male pony, B, just gave birth a few days ago. They are soooooo darn cute! I love thier little tails! I have put the brood in a net breeder and have lost about half the bunch, as expected. I have been feeding them baby brine. But I havn't seen any of them eat! :thinking: I'm sure they havn't...
  10. seahorsecu

    trigger attacks

    my trigger is attacking my fingerprint puffer, he is even leaving scars on the puffer. they r bout the same size wat should i do 2 prevent this?
  11. seahorsecu


    ya but once he got the back thing.
  12. seahorsecu


    really because before it died its back cut while he was still alive. there wasn't much algea in the tank he was in
  13. seahorsecu

    trigger attacking

    my picaso trigger is always attacking my fingerprint puffer, and his is making scars on the puffer. They r bout the same size though. how do i prevent this?
  14. seahorsecu


    could a seahair slug really die of starvation?
  15. seahorsecu

    Livestock food

    breeding them to feed to my fish
  16. seahorsecu

    Livestock food

    I am considering raising my own live ghost shrimp, what do I feed them? Also, how do you start and what do I need? :thinking:
  17. seahorsecu


    Kent Sea Salt is better quality!
  18. seahorsecu

    Livstock food

    I am considering raising my own live ghost shrimp, what do I feed them? ***) Also, how do you start and what do I need? :thinking:
  19. seahorsecu

    Cloudy Eyes?

    Tonight I looked in my aggresive tank and my lionfish's eyes were cloudy, really cloudy! The salinity was a tad high, the temp is fine, and the tank is bout' 3 months old. He is also hanging around the surface. I know it's not normal, but what is it and how can I clear it up?! :notsure:
  20. seahorsecu

    Cloudy Eyes?

    Tonight I looked in my aggresive tank and my lionfish's eyes were cloudy, really cloudy! The salinity was a tad high, the temp is fine, and the tank is bout' 3 months old. He is also hanging around the surface. I know it's not normal, but what is it and how can I clear it up?! :notsure: