Search results

  1. seahorsecu

    Bullying Tomato Clown?

    I have noticed that every time my jawfish comes out of its burrow, even a little bit, mytomato clown scares him back in and/or nips him. What could be the reson our clown is acting this way? (NOTE: our jawfish is living under a rock of brain coral.) Any ideas?!!
  2. seahorsecu

    Mystery object, pest?

  3. seahorsecu

    Bullying Tomato Clown?

    I have noticed that every time my jawfish comes out of his burrow, even a little bit, my clown scares him back in and/or nips him. What could be the reason our clown is acting this way? (NOTE: the jawfish is under a rock of brain coral.) Any ideas?
  4. seahorsecu

    Mystery object, pest?

    When I got up this morning I noticed a weird, small, oval, snail-like thing without a shell attached to the side on the glass. I don't have a pic, but I need to know if it is a pest or harmful. Any ideas? :notsure:
  5. seahorsecu

    substitute water changes?

    I have a second tank that will soon hold seahorses! Although, the nitrite level is a little high. Now don't get me wrong I'm not lazy, but I was wondering if I could just get nitrite lowering animals like seaweed or a cleaner clam instead of constantly changing my water. Any suggestions?
  6. seahorsecu

    mystery object

    Could someone help me out?
  7. seahorsecu

    substitute water changes?

    I have my second tank, which is soon to hold a pair of lovely seahorses. Although my nitrite level was a tad high. I was wondering if I could just buy seaweed, or cleaner clams, or a nitrite lowering animal instead of changing the water all the time. Any ideas? :notsure:
  8. seahorsecu

    mystery object

    Sadly, my camera is dead.
  9. seahorsecu

    mystery object

    I just started my second tank , but I noticed when I glanced at it this morning a small, oval, snail-like body without a shell. Anyone know what it is, or is it a pest? Any ideas?!! :notsure:
  10. seahorsecu

    hermit feast?

    I have a few hermits and a sponge. I always see my hermits gathered around my sponge. It looks like they are eating it. Is my sponge feeding the crabs? ***)
  11. seahorsecu

    seahorsey freaks?

    we are goin to get them this month, im not sure yet
  12. seahorsecu

    sponge for dinner?

    I'm always seeing my hermits gathered around my sponge. Are the crabs eating it? ***)
  13. seahorsecu

    seahorsey freaks?

    Nice. Smart preparation. Do you mind if I put you on my buddies list, you are going to have ponies just like me, and you know what you're doin. . . . . . .
  14. seahorsecu

    Calerpa safe around a hermit crab?

    They will grub on it if hungry. So keep him well fed and they should be fine. Although, still monitor him.
  15. seahorsecu

    seahorsey freaks?

    aren't they sweet. waddaya mean by meds?
  16. seahorsecu

    sponge appetizer?

    I have a few hermits and a sponge in my tank. I've noticed all the hermits always around it, looking like they are eating it. Is my sponge being the main course? :notsure:
  17. seahorsecu

    seahorsey freaks?

    Lets talk about seahorses! Any seahorse freaks?
  18. seahorsecu

    Social Seahorses?

    Thats good to know. now i feel more sure about it!
  19. seahorsecu

    Social Seahorses?

    of course, wild are impossible
  20. seahorsecu

    Social Seahorses?

    I'm goin to get a pair of seahorses :cheer: , but I have some other critters in my tank. I have heard that seahorses are best alone or with only hermits. But my tank has a debris and algea issue, not too severe. So I have a feather duster, a few snails, 3 shrimp, and a few mushrooms polyps. Is...