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  1. mmync

    Is this epoxy safe for my tank and live rock?

    I am going to start stacking my live rock and bought some epoxy just in case I need it to bond some pieces of rock together. It is called pc-products PC-11 marine power epoxy by protective coating co. It says it is saltwater proof and can be applied underwater. My concern is if it would be...
  2. mmync

    Do the test numbers of my cycling tank look normal so far?

    Hey thomas, what do u think about my numbers so far?
  3. mmync

    Should I leave my lights on while cycling my tank?

    I am cycling my soon to be reef tank and just curious if I should leave the lights on while cycling. I have about 70 lbs of live rock and 40lbs of live sand. I am just temporarily using 2 plain 18" lights until i get my mh/vho lights. I know i probaly would be advised to leave the lights off...
  4. mmync

    Do the test numbers of my cycling tank look normal so far?

    I should leave lights off while cycling right?
  5. mmync

    250w mh's or 400w mh's for my 180 gallon?

    If i go with 3 250 mh's and like 2 vho actinics will i need a chiller?
  6. mmync

    Do the test numbers of my cycling tank look normal so far?

    I am cycling my 180 gallon and would just like to know if my test numbers look normal so far. it has been cycling for about 6 days so far with 80lbs of cruhed coal sand, 40lbs of live sand and 70 pounds of really good cured live rock. Ammonia - .8 Ph - 8.0 Nitrite - 0.0 (water was totally clear)...
  7. mmync

    How should I setup the sand base in my new reef tank?

    Ok, sounds good to me. Do I have to do the whole nylon screen thing with South Down Sand or can i just use like 4" of live sand and no screen or anything?
  8. mmync

    How should I setup the sand base in my new reef tank?

    I am currently cycling my new soon to be reef tank. When i started the cycle 6 days ago planned on it being a fish only with live rock tank. However after 6 days of cycling I decided that would rather go reef. My concern at this point is how to set up the sand bed. I have read things about using...
  9. mmync

    How should I setup the sand base in my new reef tank?

    I am currently cycling my new soon to be reef tank. When i started the cycle 6 days ago planned on it being a fish only with live rock tank. However after 6 days of cycling I decided that would rather go reef. My concern at this point is how to set up the sand bed. I have read things about...
  10. mmync

    250w mh's or 400w mh's for my 180 gallon?

    Also, does the wattage 250w or 400w have an effect on what kind if fish I can keep?
  11. mmync

    250w mh's or 400w mh's for my 180 gallon?

    I am getting my 180 gallon going and need lights for it. The dimensions of my tank are 26" tall x 67" long x 24" deep. I am pretty much sure that I want to go with 3 mh's, but not sure if I should go with 3 250w mh's or 3 400w mh's. This will be my first reef tank so I cant really tell you what...
  12. mmync

    Digital water test kits?????

    Hey, I live in Saint Clair Shores. My e-mail is
  13. mmync

    How should I arrange my live rock in my tank that is viewable from both sides?

    I am currently setting up my 180 gallon tank and it is viewable from 2 sides my living room being 1 side and my bedroom being the other side. I am at the point now where I want to start stacking my live rock and would like some ideas on how to stack the rocks for a reef tank that can be viewed...
  14. mmync

    How should I arrange my live rock in my tank that is viewable from both sides?

    I am currently setting up my 180 gallon tank and it is viewable from 2 sides my living room being 1 side and my bedroom being the other side. I am at the point now where I want to start stacking my live rock and would like some ideas on how to stack the rocks for a reef tank that can be viewed...
  15. mmync

    Looking for some pics of reef tanks that are viewable from both sides

    I am currently setting up my 180 gallon tank and it is viewable from 2 sides my living room being 1 side and my bedroom being the other side. I am at the point now where I want to start stacking my live rock and would like to see some pictures of how they stacked the rocks on other reef tanks...
  16. mmync

    Looking for some pictures of reef tanks that are viewable from both sides.

    I am currently setting up my 180 gallon tank and it is viewable from 2 sides my living room being 1 side and my bedroom being the other side. I am at the point now where I want to start stacking my live rock and would like to see some pictures of how they stacked the rocks on other reef tanks...
  17. mmync

    How many pounds of live rock should I add now?

    Ok, you guys all said that since my ammonia has spiked it is the perfect time to add some uncured live rock. Sounds good to me, but how many pounds of rock should I have for my 180 gallon? For right now its going to be fish only, but knowing me I am sure I will want to start messing with reefs...
  18. mmync

    My ammonia is at about .8 and I am ready to puke from the smell of the rotting shrimp

    Ok, I know you guys are going to really think I am on drugs when I say this but its the truth so here it is. I did pull the shrimp last night and woke up this morning and the smell is totally gone and my water is crystal clear now. I now it sounds crazy but its the truth:)
  19. mmync

    My ammonia is at about .8 and I am ready to puke from the smell of the rotting shrimp

    So what do u guys think, can I pull the rotting shrimp?
  20. mmync

    My ammonia is at about .8 and I am ready to puke from the smell of the rotting shrimp

    Ok I just pulled out 2 pieces of rock, and niether one of them had a bad smell. They both had a very faint smell but nothing overwhelming at all. I really think its the shrimp