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  1. gkotlin

    Filters and skimmers

    I've now read that I have my nitrites and nitrates in the wrong order..... Should I remove the biological media from the filter while doing the cycling process? Some reading seems to state the the biological media may upset the natural balance of the LR and LS?
  2. gkotlin

    Filters and skimmers

    I have a 10 gal tank that I'm cycling for saltwater. I have LR and LS. The cycling is in the early stages. I assume this as when I test, I'm starting to see an increase in Amonia. I assume Nitrates is next and then to the Nitrite if I'm reading correctly. I have a filter that cycles water...
  3. gkotlin

    Water quality and SG

    I went and got the packages and Spectra vital is what I was told to add to the water. I have a nano tank and i'm still cycling before I get fish. I've got the coral bottom and live rock. They said the the Spectra vital and a reef stater kit with Iodine, Strontium / Molybdenum and liquid...
  4. gkotlin

    Water quality and SG

    I used the real ocean water from the store. The imported real water since I live about 1000 miles inland. I bought live rock and was told that I have to add powdered reef food for the "stuff" living on the rocks to sustain life. Perhaps thats not the case? I was told to test for calcium and...
  5. gkotlin

    Water quality and SG

    I'm cycling my tank. I had put "Real Ocean" water in the tank to start it. I put coral sand in the tank. I then added live rock to the tank. To do that, I had to remove some water. I took the water from the tank and put it back in the real ocean water bag. Can I still use this water again...
  6. gkotlin

    percula clown

    I'm starting a similar setup and wondered if I have to have a clean up crew? Would some snails do the trick.....?
  7. gkotlin

    Salinity and hardness in new tank

    I'm starting a new small tank. I've got live sand that I put with "Real Ocean Water" that I bough. I put the water and Live coral sand in the tank yesterday. It was cloudy, but was clear by morning. I've got my fiters and stuff running and was told this should start cycling. Today, I added...