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  1. aixenv

    question about green chromis and purple pseudochromis

    Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick I've kept chromis and pseudo's in the same tank before with no problems... 3 chromis and a pseudo in a 30gal. I would be more careful with fellow rock-dwelling fish - the pseudo likes to hide inside the rock, and so did my sixline wrasse.... they ended up...
  2. aixenv

    question about green chromis and purple pseudochromis

    i read you cant keep a purple pseudochromis with other dottybacks or basslets, but what about green chromis? i have 4 green chromis and the purple pseudochromis isnt' being very nice,.. kinda rushes them a few times..should i get rid of the purple pseudochromis? or will they learn to adapt...
  3. aixenv

    something attacked my feather duster :(

    Originally Posted by xtreeme I read somewhere there are crabs that will attack tubeworms. The person said for somereason they find joy pinching the tube. thats my thoughts going to isolate the crab, and get another feather duster ,and see how it goes. and then in a few weeks put the...
  4. aixenv

    something attacked my feather duster :(

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Nothing really eats them. If the get stressed they can drop their crowns, or leave their tube altogether. The cause is typically water instability or a change in environment rather than being attacked though. negative... 1) there's a slit all the way down his...
  5. aixenv

    something attacked my feather duster :(

    heres my crab.. im told he isnt reef safe ( i didnt know what he was when i got him and neither did the lfs, he just hada lot of personality and looked cool) im figured it was him, imt hinking about isolating him to another tank, getting another feather...
  6. aixenv

    something attacked my feather duster :(

    coral banded shrimp, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, 2 damsels (yellowtail and 4strip), occelaris clownfish, purple dottyback and a purple lobster who lives under the rocks and i never see (great 30 bucks that was)..
  7. aixenv

    something attacked my feather duster :(

    i believe either my unknown crab or a red coris wrasse ate/attacked my feather duster...sparing the lecture.. which one is more likely? the duster was on top of my live rock.. i obviously know the crab can climb...the wrasse i rarely see it lives under the sand but ive been doing some research...
  8. aixenv

    question about my crab

    Originally Posted by Marvin Willis i think its a strawberry hermit how could he be a strawberry when he's not even the slightest bit red?.. from my reading on wikipedia it appears nothing like that type of crab... ah well.. /sigh
  9. aixenv

    question about my crab

    bump for ID lol
  10. aixenv

    60 gallon tank, need chiller

    Originally Posted by JimVette1 I use a computer fan, they are small, quiet and move a lot of air. what type/size/brand?
  11. aixenv

    60 gallon tank, need chiller

    Originally Posted by hummel I have a 250hqi over my 60 cube. I have a two fans blowing into the hood and one into the cabinet,and all is well. I rarely see temps at 82 or above. what type of fans? model? brand? size? price?
  12. aixenv

    60 gallon tank, need chiller

    Gator, do you remember the model of the fan? and do you have any pictures of the current fan setup? id love to see that thanks.
  13. aixenv

    60 gallon tank, need chiller

    i have a fan on the sump right now, but it kind of causes a space and aesthetics issue, i havent found any fan that could fit inside my sump.. im just using a stand up fan right now, with the aquarium stand open and the fan pointed at the sump
  14. aixenv

    question about my crab

    ive been doing some research perhaps he's preparing to molt?
  15. aixenv

    60 gallon tank, need chiller

    hey im looking at getting MH lighting and need to get a chiller, whats the best brand or a good brand and what are the specifications to be looking into for my tank? i was told by a LFS to get a aqua euro 1/10 - ($399) any other recommendations?
  16. aixenv

    question about my crab

    well my crab is of unknown origin anyways he likes to bury himself in the sand, like basically completely, and he'll sit there for a while, the temp is 76.7 atm, i was just curious if anyone else has had a crab that does this,a nd if any expert could...
  17. aixenv

    recommended cleanup crew?

    i have 1 blue legged hermit and an unknown crab and they are great additions, i have 4 snails, and everything is just doing super
  18. aixenv

    what kind of crab is this?

    bump for crab id!
  19. aixenv

    what kind of crab is this?

    i took a youtube of him eating lol
  20. aixenv

    what kind of crab is this?

    i posted this