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  1. blknght

    cottony growth on sandbed

    a guy i have been talking to said what it probably is is a funky white algae that comes from too much food decaying cause our blue hamlet is hiding food in his cave and it is decaying and washing out into the tank and growing this stuff
  2. blknght

    protein skimmer problems

    we have a 35 gallon hex tank right now all we have are about 15 hermits a porcelain crab a orange linkia starfish and a blue hamlet
  3. blknght

    cottony growth on sandbed

    this is a fish only tank
  4. blknght

    complete beginners asking about reef tanks

    guess i should ask for a complete list of stuff to get and the best places to get our lfs guy is pissed at us cause we asked all the questions on how to set stuff up and then bought it other places to get better prices cause out here in bumblef*** Montana not many fish stores
  5. blknght

    complete beginners asking about reef tanks

    ok now you said sump or refuge what are those and what other than the obvious are overflow boxes for?
  6. blknght

    protein skimmer problems

    airline isn't plugges cleaned it all out but impeller jumps and skips guess it is shot not even 2 months old enought o piss a guy off thank god for warrantees
  7. blknght

    somebody in Montana with a sw tank

    wife says not interested it is more aggressive than the hamlet we have
  8. blknght

    complete beginners asking about reef tanks

    ok here's a dumb question my wife and i are thinking about putting in a reef tank next year (need something to spend the tax money on) and a local fish guy here told us that if we used live rock we wouldn't need anything but a power head because the rock would filter the water is this true or is...
  9. blknght

    blue hamlet

    if somebody in Montana is interested in a blue hamlet let's make a deal. will trade for a nice docile fish
  10. blknght

    somebody in Montana with a sw tank

    sounds good just have to talk to the boss (mean wife lol)
  11. blknght

    cottony growth on sandbed

    pretty sure it isn't snail eggs since we have no snails in the tank and this is a fish only tank. another guy said that it might just be an algea type that was growing from extra food not getting taken out
  12. blknght

    somebody in Montana with a sw tank

    interested in it first thing is how agressive is it because my wife is a seahorse nut un fortunatley and we have to be compatable with them as it is may be getting rid of my blue hamlet since he turned into attilla the hun LOL
  13. blknght

    somebody in Montana with a sw tank

  14. blknght

    cottony growth on sandbed

    just in a few isolated spots but it spreads pretty quick been vacuuming it out
  15. blknght

    protein skimmer problems

    we have a prism protein skimmer and all of a sudden it started just burping out a lot of water and then refilling itself and doing it again the local fish guy said to clean it out cause it had calcium build up. we tried that and it is still doing it any one have any suggestions?
  16. blknght

    blue hamlet attacking our starfish

    our blue hamlet was very docile when we first got him now he is attacking our other fish first he ate our peppermint shrimp now he is attacking our orange linkia starfish any suggestions on what to do about this other than deep sixing the hamlet?
  17. blknght

    cottony growth on sandbed

    We have a strange white cottony growth on our sandbed it kinda looks like spiderwebbing any ideas on what this might be?