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  1. ariaanna

    Chuck Norris counted to infinity, twice!

    funny, since earlier in the thread you specifically said you didn't get chuck norris jokes and don't understand what all the hype is about. . . . and most of your "jokes" are just attempts to belittle chuck norris. btw. . . . have you heard Chuck Norris is suing NBC? yeah, "law and order" is...
  2. ariaanna

    what tank size for a whale?

    ok. . . . . so the *animals* they sell in my lfs really are baby whales? O.o hm. should've googled. . . . . . called baby whales, but aren't whales. nor are they mammals. . . . . but according to this site they're freshwater. . . . so maybe...
  3. ariaanna

    Chuck Norris counted to infinity, twice!

    ok, ruaround, if you don't like chuck norris jokes, please leave the thread. your posts are irritating and break the flow of the thread. :mad: also, Chuck Norris actually died 10 years ago. . . . . but Death still hasn't gotten up the nerve to tell him.
  4. ariaanna

    what tank size for a whale?

    so the fish they sell in my LFS that are only a couple of inches long that are labelled "baby whale" really are baby whales? O.o i know they sell shark eggs, but i somehow think whales are born more than a few inches long. . . . . .
  5. ariaanna

    Small Aggressive Marine Tank?

    oh wow, i forgot i had this post up. i actually ended up getting 2 50 gallons when my LFS moved (10 cents a gallon! whee!) and my roommate is helping me build a stand for it and get the filter, light fixtures, etc. and there's no way i'd get a clown fish. i just hate the look (omg i'm a...
  6. ariaanna

    What fish to get?

    ok. i'm going to upgrade my 55 community to an 80 community and i'm going to make the 55 saltwater. i still can't decide between puffer or lionfish. i think i'm leaning toward lionfish b/c i have puffers already and lionfish are pretty much completely different from everything else i've kept...
  7. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    back to the top one last time before i set up this tank.... ANYBODY have ANY experience with rainsford's gobies???? thanks!
  8. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    are you confident in that? because i understand they can be very aggressive with other crabs.... i don't mind regular maintenance, but it always makes me sad to see a pet die. :(
  9. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    ok. so i'm 90% certain of the firefish. now, someone suggested i add another small goby for the bottom, as emerald crabs tend to hide, so i'm considering maybe MAYBE adding a rainford's goby (keep in mind that i haven't set up this tank yet, this is all still hypothetical and i'm not putting...
  10. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    some people just say they don't like them. :roll: others say they hide too much, others say they jump (which i already know and was planning for) and others are just of the theory that nothing besides maybe a clownfish or clown goby should be in a small tank, or no fish at all.
  11. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    oh, i've already done searches like that. i just want to know what other hobbyists think, since alot of sites don't agree or aren't accurate. and if there are more naysayers (or people who ignore the topic) than there are people that vote yes, i'll just forego it. i'm not into torture.
  12. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    oh, it's fine. i figured. unfortunately, despite my repeatedly saying i wanted the firefish and i specifically wanted to know if that would go well in my tank, most people commented on every fish BESIDE the firefish. so i know that a lot of people recommend a clown goby, or a clownfish...
  13. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    i'm posting across 4 boards, and most people agree that the firefish would be fine... i think i've only gotten 2 naysayers out of about 10. but i'm waiting, don't worry. it's going to be awhile before i even set up this tank, anyways.
  14. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    i was thinking just a firefish, and MAYBE a goby several months later. but probably not. i just want to make sure the firefish will be ok. i've had mixed reviews.
  15. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    well, somebody has surrendered a ten to me. so what would you suggest as stocking for ten instead of 5? how do you think a firefish would do in there?
  16. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    oic. i'll think about getting a ten, but the place where i want to put this is pretty crowded, i'm not certain i'll be able to fit a ten there. i was planning on setting up a larger tank (around 50 gallons) in about five months after i move, though. (when i move, i'll be able to plan for it...
  17. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    i'm sorry... but, what does LPS mean? i thought that was Local Pet Store? and as things outgrow my tank, i have someone who can help me frag them, and either put them into his 80 gallon, or bring them to my LFS until i set up a larger tank (which i'm hoping to do after my funds open up a bit....)
  18. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    i'm not certain that i'm gonna get a shrimp... i just don't really like any shrimp that i've seen (not enough to pay what the stores ask for, anyways.) and what's the plus of a turbo vs. a nassarius? my understanding is that nassarius are sand sifting detrivores, and i like the way they look...
  19. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    WONDERFUL! really, the point of the tank is to have an emerald crab, so i wouldn't be too heartbroken if you said i couldn't have a firefish, but i really love the little buggers..... i just want a pretty tank in my room that only i get to enjoy... i have puffer tanks and community tanks in...
  20. ariaanna

    5 gallon nano

    it will be my first, yes. i have a good friend that has kept nano tanks in past that is happy to help me, and i've kept freshwater tanks for some time now, so i'm confident that i'll be able to handle this ok. so no fish whatsoever? :( oh well. at least an emerald crab is still an option. i...