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  1. aprilabaxter


    thanks for referring to the site. I will turn out the lights this evening and look in my tank with a flashlight. Never thought about things coming out in the dark.
  2. aprilabaxter


    Can someone tell me what a copepod looks like? I have some live rock in my tank and I would like to know if I am growing any of these.
  3. aprilabaxter

    what kind of snail is this?

    I bought a used tank about 6 weeks ago and it was set up and running. It came with some small snails but recently my kids and I noticed a larger snail come up from under the gravel. He has a long trunk (like an elephant) that he sticks up in the air. His shell is oblong and he floats over the...
  4. aprilabaxter

    test kit reading question?

    Col - Thanks for your input. I guess I should just wait it out. I don't want anything to get worse for my fish's sake. I noticed you are from England. I spent July in London. My sister just moved to Chelsea. Nice place to visit!
  5. aprilabaxter

    test kit reading question?

    I need some advice. I did a water change yesterday and took a reading today. My numbers were: Am 0 Ph 8.0 Nitrite .25 Nitrate .20 Salt 1.023 temp 77 I have had a problem with my Ph dropping lately. Last reading (Sunday) it was 8.2. One problem I had last week was my biowheels got stuck and...
  6. aprilabaxter

    what do I need to get???

    Thanks for your reply. Let me start by answering your questions as best as I can remember. I bought a liquid test kit from the lfs and I have been checking my ph, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate and it tells you in the book what is good number wise. The only problem I had was my light got...
  7. aprilabaxter

    what do I need to get???

    I recently bought a 55G tank. It was set up and running for 6 months. I got the filter, heater, one powerhead and some coarse looking sand, and some snails too. I have added some live rock, a shrimp and a tang and purchased a test kit and temperature/salt gauge. Do I need to have more than...
  8. aprilabaxter

    Question about tanks

    I am new to saltwater but I thought I would tell you about how I found my tank. I recently bought a 55G with oak trim and oak stand. It was set up and running for 6 mos. It came with a one powerhead, light cover, heater, emperor filter and even a book "Your First Marine Aquarium" I moved it...
  9. aprilabaxter

    oxygen in water, rollers on filter

    I have just adjusted my powerhead to point toward the surface (I only have one in a 55G) it just ripples the water and there are no bubbles in the water now. I understand that is good from what I have read on this forum. My filter just trickles water, is that the only source of oxygen for my...
  10. aprilabaxter

    powerhead question

    I was just wondering exactly where should a powerhead go in your tank? I had mine near the top but someone told me to put it at the edge of the surface so it causes more bubbles. Is the purpose just to move the water or to produce oxygen also? I don't have corals and just a small amount of...
  11. aprilabaxter

    Free U-Build It Package to the 150th

    post no. 1 - who's counting?
  12. aprilabaxter

    helpful book suggestions

    As a beginner living in a rural area I don't have anyone local that I can get help from. Can you recommend some good books for a beginner? I have one called Your First Marine Aquarium. I am overwhelmed with the chemistry and balancing, the more I learn the less I know. I have a tank with...
  13. aprilabaxter

    Terry B...thought you would get a kick out of this

    Simm---- can you tell me the name of the book that had info about hypo. I am new and need to know step by step how to lower it safely. I did print out a thread "first time hypo" but I live in a rural area and need to get some books I can keep on hand to refer to. This chemistry stuff has me...
  14. aprilabaxter

    maintenance/cleaning of filter

    I was wondering what type of maintenance/cleaning I am suppose to do to my filter. I bought my tank used and already running. It has an Emperor filter. I don't know much more. It has two rollers and two filters of each side. I have been told to change the blue filters every 2 wks. When I...
  15. aprilabaxter

    feeding garlic

    O.K. What can it hurt to feed it now? Maybe it will help. So what do I soak in garlic? They lfs guy sold me flakes in a jar. That won't work. What do tangs like?
  16. aprilabaxter

    seeing little black spots

    My tang has ick and when I treated the tank with copper and formaldahyde the spots disappeared. He now has little black spots in some places. What are these?
  17. aprilabaxter

    ICH, am I fixing it?

    Can you tell me how you do the garlic feeding? I am new to all this and don't have a local to ask. What about the cleaner shrimp? What is his purpose?
  18. aprilabaxter

    feeding garlic

    From what I have been reading I understand that feeding garlic can help my tang with ick. I am not sure what type of food to use and how to feed the garlic with it. Can someone help with advice?
  19. aprilabaxter

    ick, the more I know the less I know

    Thanks for your advice. I am going to get a Q tank and get started. Now I just hope I can do it right. Will let you know how it goes and will try to be patient. Can I continue to add live rock to my dormant tank? I have been adding some every week. I am on a aquarium budget. At least I...
  20. aprilabaxter

    help bought used tank now have ick

    Thanks for the information. I will try to answer as many questions as I can. The tank has some kind of sand in the bottom and I moved the tank without taking it out. It looks like crushed oyster shells, it isn't fine like ocean sand. Does that mean something? The back glass is growing green...