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  1. salt55

    New filter question

    oh yeah, i have a seaclone skimmer also. Of the 100 lbs of rock 50 of it is live rock if that helps at all also
  2. salt55

    New filter question

    I have a 55 gallon reef tank with a yellow tang, coral beauty, 3 green chromis, and a clarkii clown, and a snowflake eel. I also have 100 lbs of live rock, lace rock mixed and 60 lbs of live sand. I have several xenias, button polyps, yellow polyps, and a bubble coral along with various...
  3. salt55

    Adding new sand

    Is there an easy way to get out most of the crushed coral without tearing down the tank?? Ill keep what i got before i do that!!
  4. salt55

    Adding new sand

    Hey, i recently decided i wanted to add additional sand to my tank to cover the cc i already have. If i buy some southdown sand, is there any problem with just adding to the tank as is with out breaking down the tank? I really dont want to do that. Its not worth it. THanks
  5. salt55

    Identification of Xenia Eater????

    That is exactly what it is, and i have since found two more small ones. The one i removed was pretty big about the size of a quarter. I had to remove him because he was just hanging out by a large patch of my xenia. I thought everythig was fine till i saw he had basically mowed one of the...
  6. salt55

    Coulerpa Question

    Recently i purchased some really great live rock online. Tons of life. I have since had a patch of bright magenta coulerpa growing on one piece very rapidly. i already cut it back once. It looks really cool actually. Is this good or bad or indifferent for the tank? I also have corraline...
  7. salt55

    Identification of Xenia Eater????

    Hey, recently ive seen this creature patroling my reef that crawwled from the live rock. The top of it looks like a medium oval shaped shell with grooves all radiating from the center. It is fairly flat as well. The other day it was on the glass and the bottom looks just like my astrea...
  8. salt55


    I got home from work yesterday and saw something weird on the front glass of my tank. It looks like a flat white worm of some sort. It is a total of about 5 " except it wraps up and down and up and down along itself in squiggles. Very very consistent squiggles also. So i observed it and it...
  9. salt55

    VHO or PC's

    Hey, i have a question about lighting. I recently ordered an icecap retrofit kit with 4 48" bulbs and a 660 ballast. I talked to the lfs and when i told the owner what i had bought and needed a canapy he said "im sorry" and said power compacts are better. I currently have powercompacts with...
  10. salt55

    Hair Algae??

    First Question, can hair algae be redish purple in color? Ive got a bunch of it if it can be. I also think i have green hair algae. Its not out of control yet. Just wondering what is the best way to get rid of it? I have no fish in the tank right now, if i buy some algae eaters like an...
  11. salt55

    Power Heads...which do you like?

    Just wondering what kinds you guys picking up two new ones and wanted to get some opinions. thanks
  12. salt55

    Power Heads...which do you like?

    Just wondering what kinds you guys picking up two new ones and wanted to get some opinions. thanks
  13. salt55

    Live Rock Questions??

    Oh ok, i didnt know about that. Thanks for the heads up. Yeah, the structure of the rock was great, lots of holes and caverns. I had trouble setting it up in my tank becuase it had gotten stirred up a little from moving around my existing rock. So i just kind of put it wherever and it turned...
  14. salt55

    all maryland members

    Hey whats up, i just saw this post. Im in the college park, Laurel area. This CMAS thing sounds pretty nice. I also go to the aquarium center. I love that place, i can just walk around in there for hours. House of Tropics is also pretty good. Thanks for the post.
  15. salt55

    Live Rock Questions??

    Well, as some of you might have read, i just got my rock from tb saltwater the other day. Everything is doing great, i just have a few questions. 1) As i was expecting i discovered a quite large mantis shrimp who hitchhiked in. My eel actually led me to him, he was hunting the shrimp and...
  16. salt55

    Picked up my LR and WOW!!!!

    they have 3 types i think, i got what they call boat run which is a mix of rock with hard corals on it and rock with what they say has the most life on it. It was $5 a pound which wasnt bad cosidering i paid 5/lb for a piece at my lfs and it didnt have nearly the life. That piece looks like...
  17. salt55

    Picked up my LR and WOW!!!!

    I just got my live rock yesterday from tampa bay saltwater. Holy cow....this is absoluty the best looking live rock i have ever seen, coraline encrusted, so many sponges, 2 large brain coral, assorted other small corals, 4-5 clams about 2-3inches each. Incredible. Also the best place i have...
  18. salt55

    Good or bad algae??

    My lights are all brand new. My phosphates have always read really high due to the use of tap water, for about 4 months now i have done 3 or so water changes with RO/DI water. Im trying to get the phosphates down but its slow to happen. Do you suggest anything to get them down quickly? I...
  19. salt55

    Good or bad algae??

    it seems a little coarser than what you describe. Most algae that is bad looks bad also. If you didnt know anything about a reef tank you would think i put it there on purpose.
  20. salt55

    Good or bad algae??

    it is coarser than any other algae ive had, but it still flows in the current. It looks just like fine grass, it actually looks good but it seems to grow fairly fast. How would i tell if it is hair algae and if it is hair algae how do i get rid of it. THank you very much