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    royal gramma

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    royal gramma

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    royal gramma

    enyone know y?? ammon 0 trie0 trate 15 ph 8.2
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    royal gramma

    he died today!!! he looks like he got bit in the stomach or something
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    Amphipods, copopods, isopods

    are pods those little things that jump around on the shoreline??
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    royal gramma

    they dont chase him in the first 2 min of adding him they chased him thats all. i am also fighting a breakout of red slime algae
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    royal gramma

    it is a new tank it took about 34 days for the cycle and its been running for 2 months
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    royal gramma

    i bought a royal gramma the other day and it looks like he has brooklenya or something. i ahve these dead real corals that are sharp mabe he got hit there?? please help!! i have a 44 gal tank a clown and a yellow tailed damsel