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  1. oahogset

    Is this ich?

    Fish are back in the display tank after ~3 hours in methylene blue bath. Seems like they look about the same as last night. It looks like the spots are just as plentiful. Could it still be ich, even though the methylene blue or freshwater bath didn't seem to help much? Is there anything else I...
  2. oahogset

    Is this ich?

    While waiting for the local stores to open around here, I've been reading more about doing hyposalinity. I have decided to hypo the display tanks, since I don't have the QT set up and cycled. I'll just move my live rock and shrimp to the QT. If I add water and LR from my DT to my QT, the QT will...
  3. oahogset

    Is this ich?

    Well, they are both alive, and very happy to be fed (as usual). Spots look about the same as last night. I'm trying to locate a petstore that has methylene blue...
  4. oahogset

    Is this ich?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian You can move some but that isn't neccessary. Move the rock and inverts into the 10. It wont cycle as it would with the fish in it. Did the FW dip help? It looks like the dip helped rid some of the white spots, especially on the one I didn't submit a picture of...
  5. oahogset

    Is this ich?

    Thanks alot all of you for very quick replies. I did freshwater dip. I let them in for 2.5 and 3 minutes, since they were swimming around most of the time, just taking quick breaks lying down on the bottom. My gut feeling told me they were doing ok, so I let them in as long as you recommended...
  6. oahogset

    Is this ich?

    First of all, thanks for a very informative fish-forum. I've learned alot just by browsing through a few threads. My tank: Today I noticed lots of white spots on my fish. At first I thought of ich, but studying the pictures in the disease section it also looks like brooklynella. I also...