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  1. bigfishy


    How big of a powerhead do I need for my 75g. Fish only right now but I hope to add live rock some day.
  2. bigfishy

    Water change and PH

  3. bigfishy

    Water change and PH

    What do you guys do to make sure that the water you put in the tank after changing the water has the proper PH. I just started a 10percent change, about 8 gallons, Do I need to worry about the PH or can I just add the water back to the tank? Thanks for the help
  4. bigfishy

    Tank Cycle

    My tank is cycling and I have some brown stuff on the top of the sand. looks like a coating of some sort. I was wondering if anyone knows what it is. I am assuming that it is the brown alge that I have heard about. Is it good for the cycle and if not how should I get rid of it. Thanks
  5. bigfishy

    Pics of my new tank

    Ok thanks alot for the help. I almost ran out to get a wet dry put then figured I would be ok for awhile. I am going to take the extension off the filter. Thanks again for the help
  6. bigfishy

    Pics of my new tank

    So what is the use for this filter and will it cause problems if I leave it on?
  7. bigfishy

    Pics of my new tank

    Will this be ok for now? How long until I need something better? I plan on FO for now
  8. bigfishy

    Tap Water Purifiers??

    I used a tap water purifier for my tank and it worked great. The initial cost was about 50 bucks to fill up the tank but after that Its not bad for top offs and water changes. I get 40 to 50 gallons out of each filter so thats about 50 cents a gallon at 20 bucks a filter. You can get the filters...
  9. bigfishy

    Pics of my new tank

    I have had some questions about only using the hob filter. I know I probably need to get a skimmer later on but what other kind of filter sould I use??? Oh and I am just using sand from ***** it is not live sand, which is what I should have used but I was spending more than I planned already so...
  10. bigfishy

    Pics of my new tank

    Well here it is
  11. bigfishy


    Do I need powerheads in my tank? It is a fish only tank for now and my emporor 400 seems to circulate the water very well. What is the use for powerheads?
  12. bigfishy

    male fish VS female fish?

    I guess damsels right now that is all I have lol still cycling
  13. bigfishy

    male fish VS female fish?

    How do I know if fish are male or female and how do I get them to mate? I am going to do some research on this but I was just wondering if you guys knew anything about it. Also how often do you feed the damsels I have been feeding them frozen brine shrimp. and they love it!
  14. bigfishy

    Lights on or off?

    I have just began the cycle in my tank and have a few damsels in there do you guys reccommend leaving the lights on all the time? They are just the regular floresent light that came with the tank. For those of you that I talked with earlier all the damsels did not end up dying, I kinda off gave...
  15. bigfishy


    The temp is 80 now it was about 76 when I dropped them in. I just dropped them into the tank, looking back that was probably a bad idea. The ph is 8.2 nitrite was .02 I didn't test for amonia because I didn't think it would be an issue the first day, I'll check it when I get home from work. The...
  16. bigfishy

    Lights for live rock

    I am going to buy some live rock tomorrow and was wondering if I need to buy a special light for it or if I can use the ones that came with my tank. They are just regular lights.
  17. bigfishy

    Local fish stores near landover MD?

    Thanks a lot for the help. I actully just found house of tropics store in the phone book and realized that it was not too far from me. I am going to go over there tomorrow and get some live rock. Thanks again for the help
  18. bigfishy

    PH is 8.2

    Well I just kinda tossed the damsels in the tank. lol I guess maybe that was a stupid idea, but too late now. The two seem to be doing fine now. One of the replies said that 3 damsels are not enough, but I have been told in the past that one shrimp would be fine or a couple of damsels. in any...
  19. bigfishy

    Local fish stores near landover MD?

    Are there any fish store in the area that deal in saltwater fish other than the retail stores?
  20. bigfishy

    PH is 8.2

    ok thanks a lot guys I was worried for a min. I just added 3 damsels last night to start the cycle, one of them died and I was testing the water to make sure everything was alright with it. The one damsel seems to be breathing pretty hard and looks a little stressed, any ideas?