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  1. the unit

    Fighting Conch, Shrimp Temp

    i was hopeing to get a fighting conch for my 2.5. i want it to go after my hair algea problem...i was also going to get 2 mexican/trochus snail for the algea....i dont want any hermits as i put two in the tank and they attached my poor blind pistol[took his arms off]...any recomedations for my...
  2. the unit


    hey i just got one of these ... great ell. i found info on fishbase,com.......i cant remember how to spell him name bt it was like...G. Fimbratus.....if u ahve found any other info please send it my way.....
  3. the unit


    i think u could have more LR but not nessesary, also pick eith the lin or the triggers.....the triggers will pick at the pins of your lion no matter how big or small[ and they will get bigger] also if such a larg tank why did u buy such small fish?.....if the hawk in the largest it wont be for...
  4. the unit

    snowflake and starfish???

    can my snowflack live with a starfish....there was one at my LFS ...bright red and about 7-9 inches across...for only $12...but i was not sure if the eel would go after it....there are a few hermits in the tank but he never harms them ...he sometimes picks them up but never bites or tries to...
  5. the unit

    red volitan...

    i have a red volitan and a huma... they have been together for about 4 months without any problem...till today when my huma went after his fins....he got two of them at ther very tip but i can still see the bite....will the fin grow back?
  6. the unit

    anemone in trigger county......

    i was wondering if a trigger will mess with a pink tip anemone? it is starting for outgrow my 30gal.....[the anemone that is....]
  7. the unit

    No fish tank

    i would just like to give u guys this site....the best place for nano reefers like myself to talk about smaller tanks....including 3/4 gal tank.... <a href="" target="_blank"></a> i live by it...oh and talk to chris, he started it and really knows...
  8. the unit

    will cc hurt fish

    how do u kee sand clean in an aggressive tank? eel trigger
  9. the unit

    eel in a 55?

    found one...kinda looks like a pike...i still really like the black edged moray though
  10. the unit

    eel in a 55?

    any pics of a green wolf eel?
  11. the unit

    black edged moray....

    i cant find any info---i need info on their sucess in a 55...and anything one can give me ty
  12. the unit

    eel in a 55?

    oh yes sorry for the mistake....i was reffering to the black edged moray...
  13. the unit

    eel in a 55?

    i have been reading up one the ribbon so i know about their problems in tanks....i have also read up on the others that u have suggested...what about a black ridged moray? they seem really cool but cant find much ifo on the boards about them...anyone have any info...ty for the replies...
  14. the unit

    eel in a 55?

    well thats just it i dont have anyidea...i was hoping somone could tell me what was possible to keep in a 55gal....
  15. the unit

    eel in a 55?

    Is it possible to keep an eel in a 55gal tank with 50lbs of lr???