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  1. streetsurf

    I need serious help

    agreed they are very beautiful, but this one (if one indeed) is a royal pain in my (:) anyways, i had never heard of the fry ice deal, that sounds like a cool idea, that is if i can find where he lives. I am curious as to how bad it would be for my tank if i shocked my LR in the freshwater for...
  2. streetsurf

    I need serious help

    Hey guys, I have had an ongoing problem with a possible mantis shrimp. I have posted twice before for suggestions on how to remove him and have been very persistent for months to get this guy out of my tank. I need any suggestions or specifics, maybe some not so common practices or just any...
  3. streetsurf

    question about sand

    Hey guys, I live in Tampa, FL and I am looking to start up a 90 gallon FOWLR tank. My question is, what are the drawbacks from using sand from the beach??? Is it even feasible?? If so, which sand would be best; sand from the shore or sand from under the water??
  4. streetsurf

    In need of a Nitrate Reducer

    I've heard that because there is more space for air volume with crushed coral that it has more potential to trap much more detritus than live sand, that would cause part of your problem. I would also consider adding more live rock. I also think that you have inadequate filtration for the bioload...
  5. streetsurf

    Evil Shrimp

    Hey guys, I believe I have a pistol or mantis shrimp in my tank. I definately hear the clicking and I have recovered a mound of hermit crab shells and even my olive snail has fallen prey. I have had 5 fish disappear (one percula, one goby, and 3 blue chromis') and I am at a loss on how to get...
  6. streetsurf

    Live Rock Still Green?

    Just give your rock some time, maybe add some rock that has really good color and in time it will spread.
  7. streetsurf

    i have questions and need answers

    I would strongly suggest doing a search on this web site about the nitrogen cycle. It will help explain a lot of the questions that you have. If your tank is newly set up, I suggest that you check your levels daily and I personally would not add any new livestock until your tank cycles.
  8. streetsurf

    squid or octopus

    Just thought I'd post a quick update about my newly found octopus!! I went to my lfs and bought some ghost shrimp and when I got home to feed him, I grabbed a shrimp and waived it in front of his little hole and out came the tentacles. He grabbed the shrimp right out of my fingers and in about...
  9. streetsurf

    Making my own dead rock

    I've not heard of making your own rock, can you give me a quick how-to???
  10. streetsurf

    squid or octopus

    cool, I appreciate the help. I'll try to get some pics soon!!
  11. streetsurf

    squid or octopus

    ok, so I am going to call it an octopus from now on, If cyclopeeze will not work, then what is going to be the best food for an octopus
  12. streetsurf

    squid or octopus

    it isn't very big either, his head is only about an inch and his tentacles are about 3-4 inches long, i haven't tried counting it's tentacles yet either.
  13. streetsurf

    squid or octopus

    that particular tank has been up and running for about 6 months now. It's tough to keep it stable because it is only a 10 gallon tank. I have a 25 gal reef tank that has been up and running for about a year and a half now. I was considering putting him in that tank because i pay a lot more...
  14. streetsurf

    squid or octopus

    It will be awefully tough being that he likes to hide in places where I can't take his picture and I don't want to stress him out by putting my hand in there to move stuff around. even when I feed the tank, he doesn't come out. Maybe I'm just not feeding him what he wants or he's still stressed...
  15. streetsurf

    squid or octopus

    Hey guys, I found a new addition to my tank! Unfortunately I am unsure if it is a squid or an octopus. Could someone please explain the differences in appearance??? Also, what is the reccommended tank size and what are the feeding habits of each. Are either reef safe?? Any info on either species...
  16. streetsurf

    How can I remove a mushroom from a rock

    I had a few stalks of aiptasia and I boiled some water in the microwave and used an eyedropper and squirted the boiling water in the hole that the aiptasia was in and it worked like a charm. quick and painless
  17. streetsurf

    HELP! Is something wrong with my clown?

    I have been told that it isn't too hard, just buy two small percs and introduce them to the tank at the same time.
  18. streetsurf

    HELP! Is something wrong with my clown?

    If it helps, my pair of true percs tend to stay near the top of the tank in the early morning time, but during the day the swim around just fine. I believe that yours will do just fine, just give them a little time. Great choice btw on the clowns, true percs are my favorite. Good luck and keep...
  19. streetsurf

    ID Please

    so it won't be a big deal if i pull it off my rock huh???
  20. streetsurf

    ID Please

    I have a weird growth on a zoo rock that I bought