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  1. streetsurf

    calcium won't go up

    Hey guys, I have a serious problem with my calcium levels. Its a 1 year old tank and I have never been able to get my calcium above 320-340. my ph is 8.0-8.2 consistently, my kh runs consistently 10-12 drops and I haven't tested alkalinity. I do use a superbuffer from kent regularly, I have...
  2. streetsurf

    3rd try

    just a stab in the dark, but how did you acclimate your tang???
  3. streetsurf

    Stocking for a 150???

    Once you put the extra 50-100lbs of rock in, it will overload your tank and will need to cycle again, If your planning on putting fish in right away, i would stick with one fish at a time and increase your liverock slowly adding only a few pounds at a time, I STRONGLY back up golfin on this one...
  4. streetsurf

    What to feed and how to feed Bubble Coral

    Hey guys, just curious on your opinions on how and what to feed a bubble coral!!! Thanks- Shawn
  5. streetsurf

    My Plea to new hobbyists

  6. streetsurf

    10g nano lighting

    oops, brand. and also what type of retros are available
  7. streetsurf

    10g nano lighting

    any suggetsions on standard 10 gal lighting for nano reef, wattage, bulb type, beand...
  8. streetsurf

    torch coral

    I regret to inform you guys, but today was its last day. yesterday when I posted this thread, he wasn't looking so good, and today he receeded. Thanks for all the help.
  9. streetsurf

    torch coral

    what does that do
  10. streetsurf

    torch coral

  11. streetsurf

    ID this thing

    are too many of those a bad thing, I started out with a couple of those that hitchhiked on some LR and now at night i see over 20 of them on my glass.
  12. streetsurf

    torch coral

    I bought a torch coral from lfs at a bargain of 5 dollars. obviously not looking good for the torch, he was very stringy and had a couple of dead heads. When I got him home, i clipped all of his dead heads and I am hoping for the best. What steps should I take to revive him, if possible. My...
  13. streetsurf

    My Plea to new hobbyists

    I just wanted to say that I consider myself fairly new to marine setups. I have had my 25 gal aquarium set up for roughly 1 year now and I have read numerous books, spent countless hours picking the brains of many of the different LFS in my area and have spent much of my time researching the...
  14. streetsurf

    questions about wet dry

    Hey guys, I have heard mixed opinions on wet dry systems, I have just received a small HOT wet dry system with a built in skimmer. Currently I have a 25 gal nano reef with the eclipse 2 system and was wondering if I should use the wet dry system instead. I have heard that wet dry systems are a...
  15. streetsurf

    how to breed ocellaris' ??

    Hey guys, before I go to LFS to purchase my ocellaris' I was curious on encouraging breeding. I want to buy a couple of tank raised so they will have a better chance with a coral host. Do I just buy to small clowns and introduce them to the tank at the same time, or do I buy one small and one...
  16. streetsurf

    90 gal dream tank

    I'm definately going to do the dogface, i absolutely love their presence; and I definatelt want to do some sort of eel. I'm just afraid that if I just do those two, the rest of my tank would feel empty. I'm kinda throwing the lion trigger and tang in there as fillers so if they won't do well...
  17. streetsurf

    90 gal dream tank

    Tell me what you think 1-Dogface puffer 1-Bluethroat trigger 1-Goldentail moray 1-Blonde Naso 1-Volitan Lion Would that work in my 90???
  18. streetsurf

    90 gal dream tank

    I am looking to start up a 90 gal aggressive, what would you guys reccommend?? I personally like lions, triggers, or puffers but am not sure what will go well together in a 90.
  19. streetsurf

    Filtration for 90 gal fish only

    A puffer won't do well in a 90??? That sucks!! I do want aggressive fish, what do you reccommend for a 90?? I don't have the money to upgrade right now, and i probably won't be going any bigger with my tank any time soon. I don't mind all too much upgrading my filtration, just not the tank right...
  20. streetsurf

    Filtration for 90 gal fish only

    Hey guys!! I'm looking to convert my 90 gal fresh to a fish only salt with only a dog face puffer and maybe a tang or trigger or so. I am curious about only having one emperor 400 with a powerhead on the opposite side. Will this provide adequate filtration with biweekly water changes??? It...