Stocking for a 150???


Allright! Im finaly through my cycle!! Now i was wondering if anyone could help me pick out some good fish? as of now I have 7 damsels (I know I made a bo bo by cycling with the damsels. dont yell at me becuse my LFS said it would be ok and that was before I signed up for this board) 3 crabs 1 peperment shrimp and some zoos. I also have 50 lbs of live rock and will add 50-100 more this weekend. I have more than enought lighting for corals I have about 5.5 watts a gallon. (Could I keep some SPS)? I was thinking of 2 gold stripe marron clowns a Black & White Percula Clown and a regular Percula Clown, a yellow tang and a purple tang around 4-5 green reef chromises, a possibe lawmmower blenny becuse I have some hair alage on some rocks (is there any other thing that will get rid of hair alage), a yellow watchman gobbie, and a lemonpeel angel. Any suggestions on thsi list would be appriciated!


the yellow and purple will clash BIG TIME. they are both pretty teratorial and will literly fight to the death for one of them, also the lemonpeel might pick on any zoos or lps you have in there so be carefull with him. the maroon clown could possible go after the perc's as well, do a little more research on your fishies so you dont just throw money into the water as they say.


so i should either pick a yellow or purple tang, and should be carefula bout the lemonpeel angel, but in this site it says it is reef safe


Active Member
what kind of lights do you have?
My advice is to SLOW WAY still have to cycle more rock and that's going to take 2-3 months, then you have the alage cycles. Stop adding critters now, do lots of research and check back in 6 months.


Once you put the extra 50-100lbs of rock in, it will overload your tank and will need to cycle again, If your planning on putting fish in right away, i would stick with one fish at a time and increase your liverock slowly adding only a few pounds at a time, I STRONGLY back up golfin on this one though, I think you should slow way down or else your going to have a lot of money wasted (not to mention possibly turning yourself completely off to the hobby as a whole) just be patient, the reward in the long run is well worth it!!


Active Member

Originally posted by StreetSurf
I STRONGLY back up golfin on this

This is where you'll find people just wont listen..I know nothing about Superhero but lets just say heher is 20 years old. So heher has to wait another 6 months before adding all the critters. Do ya think waiting 6 months to make sure things are good an stable is asking too much/ is it going to kill you? Do you think maybe you'll live that long?



Originally posted by golfish
what kind of lights do you have?
My advice is to SLOW WAY still have to cycle more rock and that's going to take 2-3 months, then you have the alage cycles. Stop adding critters now, do lots of research and check back in 6 months.

Don’t worry I haven’t added anything to the tank since its first week up and I don’t plan on adding another fish, only like rock.
Alos I have 3 MH and 4 96W atinics
This is where you'll find people just wont listen..I know nothing about Superhero but lets just say heher is 20 years old. So heher has to wait another 6 months before adding all the critters. Do ya think waiting 6 months to make sure things are good an stable is asking too much/ is it going to kill you? Do you think maybe you'll live that long?
That was a pretty harsh thing to say without even letting me reply first No its not going to kill me to not add something It hasn’t killed me this past month and it wont kill me another 2-3 months I'm perfectly fine my my chromises. Also I'm 15 not 20 sorry if this sound a little mean, but so did your post. I’m a he too


Active Member
i thought that if the rock was fully cured then you could add it with maybe just a little ammonia spike? maybe im wrong. anyways, id say either go with the maroons or the perculas because more than one species of clowns will fight. you might also want to add the maroons last because they are very aggressive. i dont know about mixing purple and yellow tangs, but i know a lot of people mix yellows and hippos


ok so do a yellow and hippo and I think I will go with the maroon clowns, so I should add them last. JacknJill,thanks for your HELP not Criticism


Active Member

Originally posted by Superhero

That was a pretty harsh thing to say without even letting me reply first No its not going to kill me to not add something It hasn’t killed me this past month and it wont kill me another 2-3 months I'm perfectly fine my my chromises. Also I'm 15 not 20 sorry if this sound a little mean, but so did your post. I’m a he too

I never said you were 15-20 and I never said you wouldn't listen. I just made a statement that will hopefully keep you and others in check. Your post just lead me in that direction
I would do lots of research on Maroons clowns. They get real big and REAL mean. You mention sps, I wouldn't have clowns in an sps tank. Not saying it can't be done, just saying I wouldn't have em


Active Member
Stick with the Percs. I had a Maroon for six years, and had to trade her in. She chased every fish I had, and would even attack me when I cleaned the glass. It got so bad, when she started knocking down a coral (on purpose...keep ramming it) over and over, I traded her in.


Allright sorry about that I thought wou were yelling at me i didnt know you were trying to make a point, sO i wont go with the maroons I will stick witht the percs the revised list is
1 perc
1 B and W perc
2 yellow tangs
1 hippo tang
1 Lawnmower goby
1 lemonpeel angel
1 yellow watchman goby
4-5 green chromises
P.S. does anyone know how to get rid of hair alage without a lawnmower blenny?


Active Member
Your list is kind of too much. I'd cut out one Yellow tang, these should be kept in groups of 3 or more ( I can't spell shoals or schools)
The Lemon Peel is really for experience reef keepers and should be left that way.


you'll have to excuse golfish, we've been getting alot of people like he is talking about lately.
I would pick one clown and get a pair. I would drop both yellow tangs. If you get scared about the lemonpeel nipping corals trade it for a foxface.
Its your tank. stock it to make you happy



Originally posted by essop3
you'll have to excuse golfish, we've been getting alot of people like he is talking about lately.
I would pick one clown and get a pair. I would drop both yellow tangs. If you get scared about the lemonpeel nipping corals trade it for a foxface.
Its your tank. stock it to make you happy

ok, but someone on the boad told me that I could get a black and white perc and a regular perc and they would bond and make a pair, is this true. And regarding a yellow tang, I really want a yellow tang so would I t be cool if i jsut had 1 yellow and 1 hippo? Also, are there any angels that are "reef safe"?