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  1. a novice

    150 gallon.... what equipment?

    Here's what I'm planning on doing: 4/6 inch DSB some live rock, because this isn't going to be a reef I don't want a ton but I would like a corner with rocks so problaby 100lbs really good skimmer, any suggestions? MH DIY lighting(got a friend to help me with it) heater, thermometer, test kits...
  2. a novice

    Reason number 37,250 not to shop at petkill(*****)

    Against what everyones said, my ***** isn't that bad. The two local fish stores are much worse. One, always has dead fish in the tanks and when you comment about it their reply is, "We're busy right now, we'll get around to it when we can." First of all, there are always dead fish in the...
  3. a novice

    Final fish

    I think a 46 gallon is a bit small for a tang... any tang. :rolleyes:
  4. a novice

    Mixing Clowns

    Instead of starting another tread I'll just ask here.. :D In a 125 gallon FOWLR could I buy, say 6(or even four), small tank raised false percula clownfish? Would the survive peacefully? Thanks...
  5. a novice

    canister or wet/dry

    [Beth] Is it okay to go with a natural setup for a larger tank? I am problaby going to set up a 150 gallon FOWLR tank. I'm researching my filtration options now. Thanks (sorry for 'butting' into your thread, Trigger Happy)
  6. a novice

    canister or wet/dry

    Elizabeth, What type of filter do you recommend?
  7. a novice

    Triggerfish Compatibilty?

    Yes, I've looked into the harelquin tusk before and it looks like a cool fish but I would prefer some smaller schooling fish. I was hoping that I could keep a trigger with some small(er) fish but, from what I've been reading I don't think it'll work. I would still appreciate some responses on...
  8. a novice

    Triggerfish Compatibilty?

    Hi, I'm thinking of getting a Niger triggerfish but I don't want it to be the only fish in my tank. In a 150 gallon tank, could I put a large angel or some clownfish or some other fish besides aggressive types? I don't see many people that keep triggers with non aggressive fish.... Any ideas...
  9. a novice

    150 gallon.... what equipment?

    I would like to do a FOWLR so the lighting won't be a big expense. I was planning on a DSB and good amount of live rock. I would need a good skimmer which would run, about $200, right? Don't I need some type of filter? What about a Eheim 2229? It's a wet/dry filter that seems to be a...
  10. a novice

    150 gallon.... what equipment?

    Hello, I'm looking into buying a 150 gallon tank as my first saltwater tank. I was going to get a 65 gallon but the LPS has a 150 gallon on sale. Would it be possible to do the pumps, skimmers, lights(not halide, or power compact.. just basic), power heads, ets. for under $500? I would love...
  11. a novice

    More than two clownfish?

    Thanks for the replys! I've know of people that have more than two but they says that it's something that you just have to take your chances with and it may work or it may not. I'm not ready to buy anything yet but I'm going to think about it. If I bought them all at the same time and put...
  12. a novice

    What's the smallest species of Trigger?

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if you could tell me what the smallest species of Triggerfish is and what size tank it requires. I'm new to saltwater and I'm in the process of setting up a 65 gallon fish only tank. I'm not ready to buy any fish yet but I'm just trying to setup a game plan for...
  13. a novice

    More than two clownfish?

    Hi everyone, I'm new to saltwater setups and I'm starting a 65/70 gallon FOWLR tank. I would like to get some tank raised false percula clownfish but I'm confused on the issue of how many. I would love to have more than just a pair but I'm not sure if it would cause lots of fighting and...