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  1. spyke326

    Trumpet coral

    well they said that it would feed the coral
  2. spyke326

    Trumpet coral

    ok well will the swelling go down when i feed them and my lfs to me to put calcium and alcalinaty in everyday
  3. spyke326

    Trumpet coral

    ok well i got so trumpet coral(candy cane coral) yesturday and to day when i got up to look at it it look swollen is that ok thx
  4. spyke326

    candy coral

    ya i would like to know too
  5. spyke326

    candy coral

  6. spyke326

    candy coral

    now can you tell me about them and what they do and stuff
  7. spyke326

    candy coral

    does anyone else have anything
  8. spyke326

    candy coral

    2 things how fast will candy coral grow and how can you make it grow faster and does anyone have pics of there candy coral thx
  9. spyke326

    Calling all Laptop Owners! (Opinions Needed)

    get a mac that is the way to go there a little confusing at first but that alll and no virses
  10. spyke326

    hosting technique

    one ithing i dont get is that my clowns get like a cintameter a way and they dont go in it
  11. spyke326

    hosting technique

    ya can i have you pic what one did you use
  12. spyke326

    hosting technique

    how long did it take
  13. spyke326

    hosting technique

    does anyone have a hosting technique for the clownfish to go into an anemone
  14. spyke326


    ok if your anemone has to feet does that mean he is goin to split
  15. spyke326


  16. spyke326


    ok my anemone shrinks like ones a day so i was wondering if i should feed him or what
  17. spyke326

    anemone ?

    thx wat else do you have in your tank with your anemone
  18. spyke326

    anemone move

    yaa it is going great and why do they poo so much
  19. spyke326

    anemone move

    how can you tell when you anemone will stay in his spot and stop move
  20. spyke326

    Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!

    do you have an anemone in you tank bonebrake?