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  1. chat noir

    can we see some Wrasses

    id love to see everybodys Wrasses!! :cheer:
  2. chat noir

    What do you think this is?

    Originally Posted by Ray28576 How long has there tank been established????!!!!!! 2 years, and they lost every single coral theyve put in their tank
  3. chat noir

    Sixline keep disapearing

    my wrasse likes to sleep under a huge chunk of LR at nite and occaisional likes to take a dip in the CC
  4. chat noir

    can anyone ID this?

    does that resemble a teddy bear crab to you guys? I asked that it be saved and put into our tank, but it was already to late - they disposed of them both
  5. chat noir

    can anyone ID this?

    in the process of changing aquariums, my inlaws discovered this. Theyve had their tank for approx 2 years but havent been able to maintain corals - is it possible that this was eating them? Or should they not be fooled by this and keep searching for a crab - or would it be their water...
  6. chat noir

    can anyone ID this?

    over a meter long, thick as a thumb, being debated whether or not it should be removed. Please help!
  7. chat noir

    unusual or unique

    inlaws found this .. id say its pretty unusual since its over a meter long, thick as a thumb in diameter - but i think theyre taking it out because it freaked them out
  8. chat noir

    What do you think this is?

    inlaws found this in their 200L aquarium, - OVER a meter long, thick as a thumb!! if you look to the left, there is a crab a little bigger than a quater... this picture doesnt do it justice!
  9. chat noir

    metal halides

    Originally Posted by hawk fish any one think i should either go with 2X250 watts 3X250 or 2X400 which one would be the best to buy oh yeah i have a 90 gallon tank you have a beautiful tank!!!!
  10. chat noir

    what is cyano?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Cyanobacter is an ancient creature that is always present in a healthy aquarium. The problem comes in when there are excess nutrients present in the system and Cyano grows out of control. what does this look like? how does one know they have it - how does one...
  11. chat noir

    luck with butterflys?

    ive heard the copperbanded butterfly is one that could be kept and is also beneficial for the removal of aiptasia - however, my inlaws had one, didnt bother to research it, resulting in its death. They have very specific needs/requirements with regards to husbandry and diet - i would research...
  12. chat noir

    Best Sand

    Originally Posted by Thomas712 Any that is calcium carbonate based, best would even be what they call ootlic, in other words rounded edges. This can be found in some play sands like Old Castle play sand from the caribbean. Otherwise links are not allowed and if you like you can Google for live...
  13. chat noir

    algea / unwants

    anyone have pictures of what they dont want in their aquarium but unfortunately have??? algea problems, worms, spiders, weird creatures, id love to take a look!
  14. chat noir

    Tropic Marin

    but can anyone explain the differences between the two? :notsure:
  15. chat noir

    what is cyano?

    just read a post about cyano - what the heck is that? And also, how does one clean and keep clean a sandbed substrate?
  16. chat noir

    Changing to live sand?

    im debating whether or not to switch, but am also unsure if ill be throwing the water parameters all outta wack. Although, if an already established tank with lots of LR, i dont see why it cant be done.when you get an answer, can you msg me, ive been asking the same question now for a wk without...
  17. chat noir

    Best Sand

    check out
  18. chat noir


    i would like to set up a quantine tank for LR and small motile invertibrates, but am a little unsure of how to go about it. I have our old fresh water aquarium thatll do the trick, my question is will i require new lighting, what kind of filtration would i need, and pump - this tank will hold no...
  19. chat noir

    CC or sand bed

    Originally Posted by hedonic This has not been true in my tank. Although I have a pistol Goby pair that keep it pretty well mixed up. The pistol actually uses the CC to strengthen his tunnels. I have heard from customers that Jaw fish will do the same. Even in tanks with no sandmovers I dont...
  20. chat noir

    Strange worm thing need id

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy It looks like it could be a type of Echurid Worm called a Bonellid. If so it is a strict detrivore and unable to harm a living animal no matter how hungry it is. Completely 100% reef safe. It seems like a lot of people get kinda schocked and worried when they see...