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  1. chat noir

    anyone tried JJ

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz I love it. It has worked great for me when I needed to use it. is it hard to use - can you explain to me, exactly, how you go about using it? :help:
  2. chat noir

    CC or sand bed

    Originally Posted by Thomas712 Most of us will not use crushed coral because it is a large substrate that traps the fish waste and uneaten food that has to be vacuumed before it creates nitrates, which it will anyway. Crushed coral does not provide a very good biological zone, and many tanks are...
  3. chat noir

    anyone tried JJ

    has anyone tried joes juice and if so, is it a gimmic or did you have success? What were your experiences like? positive negative?
  4. chat noir

    CC or sand bed

    Thanks guys that was fast! ive had CC in my tank now for over 2 years and my levels dont seem to fluctuate as often as compared to what i have read in your posts - i am however considering the change to sand, but how do you clean it when you do water changes? As well, if i do decide to make...
  5. chat noir

    Love those Blennies!!!!

    Beutiful pics guys! :cheer: Theres just something about these fish that i love so much - most of all is there quirky behaviour and personality!! I have a bicolor blenny, but id really love to get a tail spot blenny! Can you put more than one in a tank? :notsure:
  6. chat noir

    CC or sand bed

    What are the pros and cons of CC and Sandbeds? i've looked through a lot of pictures in the forum here, and it seems that sand beds are dominant. Why is this? personal preference? Thanks everyone!
  7. chat noir

    Love those Blennies!!!!

    I would love to see some pics of blennies if you have!!!! :cheer: This is a great forum! active, full of info and awesome pics!