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  1. coralfishg2

    I'm so close to just giving up!!!!!

    thank you broomer, I don't know how that happen. as for the test I used a liquid test, called salt water master. at the bottom of the test it has a date of 1999, is this when that test was made? and to the question that was asked on the other post that was deleated. the water from the main tank...
  2. coralfishg2

    I'm so close to just giving up!!!!!

    I'm getting tired of this. I have lost so many corals, and fish, and just through away so much money. it seems that everything that I do it just backfires. two weeks ago I added a refugium to my tank. all the plumbing worked out great and it seemed like everything was working great. but sinse...
  3. coralfishg2

    home depot metal halide

    they sell mh ballasts from, that run 1 250w bulb for 37.50$. they offer many more than just that one though. I am in the process of figuring everything out about a ballast from home depot that I found that runs your vho, the cost on them is 16-30$. if anyone has any info on them...
  4. coralfishg2

    What coral can I have, with my light?

    Just to let everyone know. I also agree with everyone that these ballast will not properly run your vho's, but I do have a friend that is running 2 250w metal halide iwaski bulbs, on a also cheap ballsast. and uses the vho as his atinics. he is very successful with this setup. he...
  5. coralfishg2

    What coral can I have, with my light?

    I am in the process of buying the ballasts that you are talking about, from home depot. do you happen to know what model number you bought. if you do a search on, ballasts, it brings up a list of about 10 different one's, and I can't figure out whitch one i need. I'm looking two...
  6. coralfishg2

    attatching frags

    I just got two very nice size frags from my buddy, his toadstool, has grown to the size of a computer monitor, so he had to trim it back. my question is, how should I place the frags in my tank. He told me to fold them kinda in a circle. but how will they attach. just so everyone know's there...
  7. coralfishg2

    is this enough

    at this time I have 4x55 pc on my 75 gallon tank, I'm going tomorro to purchace another set 4x55. the set's have 2x55 actinic 7100k and 2x55 white. will this be enough to keep pretty much any corals, I really want clams, and sps corals. another question is I am building the canopy for the two...