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  1. hokedalredy


    Okay, here is a list of the different corals I is rather long....Blue & red mushrooms, Flower/Ricordia Mushroom (this looks really cool, but a site said it was harder to maintain, is that true?), Lebophyllia Brain, Candy Coral Moonstone (green) favia brain, Flower Pot True Red Coral...
  2. hokedalredy


    Okay, I have been doing some research on corals and fish. I have read on here that I shouldn't have more then 2 or 3 small fish in my 20g tank. But is there a limit on how much coral I can have? I know I don't want the tank over crowd but I would like to have lots of coral, because it really...
  3. hokedalredy

    Water Tests

    I'm sorry is "fastest" the name of the tests? I just want to make sure I am getting an accurate test result and I am not over or under estimating the results. I have read lots of post here saying to start slow and test your water before you get fish and so I want to do it correctly so...
  4. hokedalredy

    Water Tests

    Okay, I am new and I am using the "Red Sea" (I think) test kit. I don't really know if the readings are accurate because it ask you to look at the water in the tube and then compare it to a picture. Is there other tests that are something that gives exact amounts of minerals in...
  5. hokedalredy


    I have a 20g tank that I am going have fish, lr, and corals when I can...I have a bio-wheel running now...I saw on here that a RIO 200 powerhead is 18.99 same for the 400 and 600. I was just trying to plan ahead and thought I would get two of the 600 since they are all the same price but I was...
  6. hokedalredy


    Any ideas on this lighting question? Thank you.
  7. hokedalredy

    Reef Tank

    Can someone give me a basic definition of a reef tank? Does this just simply mean a tank with LR, fish and coral? Or is there something else I am missing? Thanks.
  8. hokedalredy


    Does this look like a decent price and decent lighting for my tank.. My friend said with this light setup I wouldn't need my heater probably is accurate? Thanks again.
  9. hokedalredy


    Thanks for the info. Also, today I was looking that the lr and it has this kinda net or spiderweb looking thing on it, not all over it but some here and some this normal? Thanks. Oh, it is a 20 regular.
  10. hokedalredy

    FO or FOWLR?

    New also, but what I have read is 1 lb to 1.5 lb per gallon so you would need like 250 to 375 lbs....That is going to be very expensive from what I have read.....
  11. hokedalredy


    Well, I just bought a 20g tank from a neighbor that was used for fw and all his equipment for $30. Thought it was to good to pass up, and I have wanted a sw tank for sometime. Well, I have a friend that is helping me get started. I have got about 20lb sand and 22lb of uncured lr. I also have...