Search results

  1. red_roadster

    2 month old Mag 12 for sale

    If you'll ship it, I'll take it & pay shipping. Red
  2. red_roadster

    Fish suggestions for a 29L

    I have a Long Nose in my 26g along with shrimp and other inverts. No problems. Great fish! Red
  3. red_roadster

    Hagen or SeaChem test kits?

    I'm looking at the SeaChem test kits and the Hagen Master kit. Any thoughts on either? BTW, for Calcium I use Salifert. Thanx, Red
  4. red_roadster

    Cyrano won't eat. Help!

    Cyrano, my long nose hawkfish has been in my tank for just over a week. He was properly acclimated and my water parameters are good. Problem... he doesn't seem to eat; at least not when I feed the other fish. I use a home made mix of goodies that include seafood mix blended well. I have also...
  5. red_roadster

    White fluffy ball with hole in it... what is it?

    I have a number of white or cream colored balls that look kind of fluffy and have a single opening in the top. They are attatched to the rocks. Any ideas? Thanx, Red
  6. red_roadster

    Coral with 8 fingers and a long thin stock?

    I have one vote for Xenia Elongata.;) Any others?
  7. red_roadster

    Coral with 8 fingers and a long thin stock?

    I have a CSL SmartLite. It has 2x65 watt PC. The lamp is about 12 inchs above the coral.
  8. red_roadster

    Coral with 8 fingers and a long thin stock?

    haven't seen them "pulse". Not like the much smaller pulsing Xenia. The tallest stalks are about two inchs long up to the fingers and then the fingers are another 1.5 inchs. If they aren't happy, you sure wouldn't know it, they are growing like a weed.
  9. red_roadster

    Coral with 8 fingers and a long thin stock?

    Here are a few pics
  10. red_roadster

    Coral with 8 fingers and a long thin stock?

    I have a pink-ish coral in my tank that has grown from a small frag my friend gave me. I don't have a picture yet, but I am working to get one posted. It has a multiple long, thin stocks, and eight fingers with little nubs on the fingers. It doesn't pulse; just kind of waves in the current...
  11. red_roadster

    Please Mom, Please!!! Can I have a Long Nose Hawkfish?

    Here's my setup: 29 gallon Lots of LR Sea Lettuce Grape Caulperna a few small corals LM Blennie (my fav!) Perc Clown Green Chromis 3 Feather Dusters 3 VERY small hermits 1 male Fiddler Crab 10 Nassarius 1 Fighting Conch 4 Turbos 1 Moon snail Now I'd like to add a Longnose Hawk. I have no shrimp...
  12. red_roadster

    Spiney has passed on... what happened?

    Acclimation went on for a few hours while I dripped the bucket it was in. But I did do a 15% water change the same day I put him in. He seemed fine for a few days, but then was gone. I'm going to guess that I should not introduce new live-stock on the same day I do large water changes???
  13. red_roadster

    Spiney has passed on... what happened?

    Spiney, my tuxedo urchin was found today. He didn't make it. Water conditions are right on, food "seemed" available. He moved around the tank for a few days and then disappeared. I found him this morning. Are Tuxedos not a very hardy urchin? Should I not have put him in a four month old...
  14. red_roadster

    Thin green leafy sheets growing on my LR

    It's thin, its translucent green, and it's "leafy". Any idea what it is? It is just growing randomly hear and there. Thanx, Red
  15. red_roadster

    Tuxedo Urchin is AWOL!! Maybe he jumped the fence.

    Bought a tuxedo urchin last week. He moved around the tank for a few days on the glass and the rockwork... then he disappeared. I haven't seen him in three days. Looked everywhere I can see. I have a backing on my tank and I didn't move the rocks, but I figured he'd move into someplace I...
  16. red_roadster

    Do urchins eat macro algaes?

    Are there any that do not? A Tuxedo maybe???
  17. red_roadster

    Do urchins eat macro algaes?

    Bought a Pincusion urchin last week and over the weekend my macro algae disappeared. I have the grape cluster macros; can't remember the name. Do urchins eat macros? Thanx, Red
  18. red_roadster

    Is it a Royal/Tuxedo Urchin???

    it's a Pincushion. It really messed up my tank while I was gone this weekend. Pulled over rocks. Stuck a Feather Duster to it's back. And I think he ate all my macro algaes. He's going back to the LFS!!!
  19. red_roadster

    Is it a Royal/Tuxedo Urchin???

    I bought a small, 1.5 inch, urchin tonight that my LFS guy said was a globe urchin. Doesn't have the nice blue strips, but does have short purple "spikes" that have all kind of shells and stuff clinging to it. Any other urchins you can think of that don't have the blue strips, but have stuff...
  20. red_roadster

    Who is going to eat all my fish poop?

    How do I go about getting pods? I don't see any in my tank. Thanx, Red