Search results

  1. red_roadster

    Who is going to eat all my fish poop?

    I have a four month old 30gal tank with a Chromis, small Clown, and a LM Blennie. I just got rid of two large Hermits that were killing all my snails. I have a few large turbos, an Orange Foot, four tiny Blue Legged Hermits, and half a dozen Nassarius. I should also mention that I have a...
  2. red_roadster

    Topping off every day with Klakwasser?

    What is the best way to drip it into the system? How often does it need to be done? Thanx, Red
  3. red_roadster

    Topping off every day with Klakwasser?

    So what is the best way to add it? Am I better off buying the liquid calcium and adding it daily? Thanx, Red
  4. red_roadster

    Topping off every day with Klakwasser?

    I have a 29 gallon that's about 3 months old, has a few hearty corals, Stroph something-or-other, a sponge, and a few inverts and fish. I am just now looking to start adding calcium. Bought the Klakwasser and read the directions. I am not willing at this point to do a drip system, so I was...
  5. red_roadster

    Should I turn the lights off at night?

    How will it affect algae growth? Guess this explains why my LM Blennie looks soooo tired! Hasn't slept in three weeks!:D
  6. red_roadster

    Should I turn the lights off at night?

    I'm pretty new to this and was told by the LFS guy to turn my lights off at night or to ut my tank on a timer. This is the same guy who told me I could take a sponge out of the water even after I told him my research had said otherwise, so I'm a bit reluctant to take his advice. Any input...
  7. red_roadster

    What supplements to start out my coral?

    Sponge is a tube type with bluish/blackish areas and lenghts of white. It was pulled out of the water and put in a bag at the LFS. I ask the LFS guy if that wasn't bad based on what I had read here before buying it. LFS guy said that this particular sponge was not hurt by pulling it out and...
  8. red_roadster

    What supplements to start out my coral?

    I have a two month old tank with a few fish and a cleaning crew. I just added a soft coral, not sure of the name. Small frag with purple stocks and feathery "leaves". As you can tell, I am really new to this. Anyway, I am wanting to know what additives I should purchase and put in the tank...
  9. red_roadster

    What to feed my fish?

    I set my tank up about 10 weeks ago. I added sugar sand and live sand, 20 lbs of rock and 25lbs of live rock, and topped the tank off with sea water from the LFS. It cycled for about 6 weeks. At that time I added four snails and two hermit crabs. A week later I added two fiddler crabs. A...
  10. red_roadster

    What to feed my fish?

    I am really new to this, so I am still trying to figure things out. Maybe a few of you could offer some advice. I have a 29 gal with live sand and about 40lbs of rock, half live and half not. In my tank live 1 snail (other 3 were killed or died yesterday), 2 hermits, 2 fiddlers, a green...
  11. red_roadster

    Starving Snails???

    All Turbos about 5 weeks in my tank. Thanx, Jared
  12. red_roadster

    Starving Snails???

    I should also mention that my salinity, just checked, is at 1.025. Maybe a little high?
  13. red_roadster

    Starving Snails???

    Only blue leg crabs are TINY! Half inch maybe... they were in the live sand that I bought.
  14. red_roadster

    Starving Snails???

    Two fiddlers and two hermits.
  15. red_roadster

    Starving Snails???

    I have a fairly new 29gal tank with a lawnmower Blennie, a small clown, a Green Chromis, a Sea Hare, 4 crabs, and four snails. Came in to work today and three of my snails are dead. All water everything is within range for ammonia, PH, salinity, and so forth. Any chance the blennie and the...