Search results

  1. rgaquarist

    Lost 2 clownfish this morning

    The fact that you are using the same salt in other tanks with no problem is strong piece of information. So is the fact that only the 2 Clownfish died, while everything else lived. I would look to other recent events for clues, such as why the Xenia moved after the Monti was introduced. I've...
  2. rgaquarist

    Live Rock??

    Adding a piece of live rock will have very minimal effect as a filtration boost. You really do need the 1 to 1 1/2 Lbs of live rock per gallon to really get the benefit if biological filtration and denitrification. If you buy one small piece of live rock, dpdending on the quality of it, you will...
  3. rgaquarist

    ive narrowed it down to 2, Please help me decide

    WOW! No doubt about it! Get the absolute best protein Skimmer you can afford! Do not cheap out. Do a little research on your skimmer options and get some opinions on the the protein skimmer that interests you. It's best to call the thread SeaClone Skimmer opinions and do the same for each or...
  4. rgaquarist

    Are Hippo Tangs pretty hardy?

    If the dead Tang wasn't around 12 or 15 years old and about 10 inches long, it wasn't his time. When these fish stop eating and mysteriously die in a few days, it's likely due to cyanide collection. If there are no other signs of disease, cyanide is the likely suspect.
  5. rgaquarist

    Under Feeding Fish??

    I think you should seriously consider adding a refugium because without it (even with the decent amount of rock you have), chances are that the Mandarin and Scooter Blenny will have starved to death by this time next year.:( They eat a lot! They have competition for their pod supply too. A...
  6. rgaquarist

    Acrylic or Glass?

    Yellow acrylic is caused by using glass cleaners on the acrylic. You have to use acrylic cleaning products. I have always used glass, but I will go with acrylic next. Still looking around. There is an acrylic tank manufacturer on the web who has a scratch free acrylic process that's kind of...
  7. rgaquarist

    Are Hippo Tangs pretty hardy?

    This fish has a few names. Hippo - Regal - Pacific Blue Tang. They are very infamous ich magnets. They are captured from a region where cyanide is one of the collecting methods and they will not live long if they were caught with cyanide. If they were net caught, they have a good chance of...
  8. rgaquarist

    whats do you need for a aggresive set up

    If you are thinking about fish that grow BIG and swim alot, such as triggers, then the best tank size would be 6, 8, 10 or more feet long. Distance for swimming is important and more important than gallons. Go into it knowing that it's difficult to sell, return or get credit for a large fish...
  9. rgaquarist

    acrylic hexagon pics, FL HUGE CHEAP!!!

    I have too many unknowns to go for this, but at least I'll give your thread a bump to the top of the thread pile! 200 bucks! Wow! I've got a lot of on going delays on some good jobs. It's always yes .... but wait! Frustrating! I'm not even sure I will have space for it where I decide to...
  10. rgaquarist

    check this out

    Thanks for the welcome! That's good to know about the skimmer.
  11. rgaquarist

    check this out

    Looks cool. It's gotta be a hassle cleaning that thing though.
  12. rgaquarist

    I Can't believe no one bought it!

    OOOOHHH! Sorry about the store link! I forgot I was on a business website, not just a general aquarium message board!:) Anyway, Mobikobeyob, what I have to trade is a Lifegard 25 watt QL-25 UV Sterilizer that I've seen on the internet for about $165.00. I've got mounting brackets to mout it...
  13. rgaquarist

    I Can't believe no one bought it!

    The best I can do unemployed is offer you a trade. I've got one of these .... never used .... in an open box. I ship this - UPS Ground/ you ship that pump 17003 = zip - PA Let me know if you're interested. The store link in this thread was removed....please simply state what you have instead of...