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  1. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

  2. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    picked up a dersa clam! heres some new pictures hope you guys like!
  3. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    sweet thanks whisk! seems like a few small ones are popping up on mine that i havent seen!
  4. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    thanks bro yea he really took to eating brine and live blood worms he loves them seems to be gettin plumper by the day motoring around!
  5. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    thanks bro!
  6. mack 10

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    heres my work so far on 14 biocube
  7. mack 10

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    I like your tank alot look real good!
  8. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    thanks micheal, i just came here to see what others are up to and get info! experience is everything! and lots of people here seem to have good knowledge! i just dont like being talked down to its our hobbie nothing to get snobby about sorry if i upset anyone!
  9. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    word thanks bro! ill post some more pictures later i was checking out your nano tank looks real sweet also!
  10. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    thanks patrick! dont really like it when people act like your stupid just cause you ask a couple of questions to see what other people are doing with there tanks! i thought that was what this board was for questions and to show off our hobbie!
  11. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    SAVE THE FISH!!!!!!
  12. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    you telling me to do research maybe you should do the research dude! if you look on this website alone it shows that pipe fish eat brine and mine has no problem with mysis shrimp! and with the mandrin they have no problem eating live brine or worms! not trying to come off as though i dont...
  13. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    ya except for the 10 gal i have for feeder food in the other room maybe people should ask questions before they make stupid comments you have know idea what i have here this is just a new biocube and its been running for about 4 mounths with no problem but thanks for looking out for the fish...
  14. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    yes please post a picture! and did you upgrade you pump? anything you can show me that i can change would be awsome thanks
  15. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    got some new stuff here is some new pictures
  16. mack 10

    Post a picture of your dogs-are they like your fish

    heres my red devil pitbull and my 14 gal bio cube
  17. mack 10

    Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

    wow tank looks sweet good job!!!!!!!!
  18. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    heres some pics i took a month or so ago
  19. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    i was wondering i reacently started a new reef tank its been running a couple months and think its time to replace the carbon filter medium it also runs over bio balls i have in the second chamber i was wondering if i changed the carbon filter pack if my ammonia will spike or will the bio balls...
  20. mack 10

    14 gal bio cube

    thanks found this cool little mom and pop shop thats reef only the guy is real smart the place is reef mystique you can see some of there tanks at got some new stuff he had this big orange sponge and got some zoas ill post a picture when everything gets happy from the move