Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!


i know right. i thought it was very original. its either that or "nemo" and "squirt" from finding nemo. not sure yet, think i like bon jovi more.


I have been sitting back and just enjoying all of the pictures of the various tanks. Hoping mine will turn out some where half as nice as so many of these.


So I get these yesterday at the lfs for a whopping 3 bucks. Kindof off topic, but I had to share somewhere.
Wish the pictures had come out better. Lose quality when zooming in through the water, darn it.


ill post by 14g biocube here in a couple weeks not yet ready for this thread
once stuff grows out more then ill post a pic here


Active Member
what has happened here nissan?? no posts in just about a month in this thread?? lots of changes since my last visit... I see lots more people getting banned and lots more threads getting locked, from what I have seen looks like some trolling haha
lets get some more FTS in this place. if 5 people post current up to date FTS then.... ya I dont know you win a cookie lol and it will make me post up some new FTS on my tanks even tho they havent changed much due to lack of money.


Active Member
lol yea foreal! this club has gone down! lets try to get it back up guys current members that i know so far:
members of !!!!!!!!!!29, 24, 14, 10, 8, 5, 3 reefers!!!!!!!!!!
1. Nissan577 (owner)
2. Spanko (sorry your under me lol)
3. Silverdark (co-owner)
4. Subielover
5. Rebelprettyboy
6. NaNo-NeWb1983
7. Emilaya101
8. Alexknight
9. HappityLogan
10. PerfectDark
11. Fcatch76
12. Oceana
13. Paintballer768
14. Dnraiders
15. Mckevinfang
16. Todd03blown
17. JTT
18. Swimshagy89
19. Patrick8929
20. Scottallert
21. Peef
22. Sra127
23. Pdmxb2000
24. Funkysean5
great job fellas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but we need more! lol