Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!


Originally Posted by nissan577
great job fellas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but we need more! lol
Thought I would join you guys. I just got a BioCube 14. I am pretty new to all this so forgive me if I sound like an R-TARD.
So I set my tank up a week and a half ago. I had about 15 pounds of sand left from my 1st saltwater attempt (I used all of it). And I went and got 28lbs. of rock and 2lbs. of live rock.
I have about a half dozen hermits (a mix of scarlets and blue legs) and a half dozen snails.
Here is my fts along with a picture of the algea.
Does anyone know if this algea is good or bad????? Please help if you do!



Active Member
I guess I qualify to join for the time being... 18 gallons aren't allowed to join? lol jk
14 gallon BioCube

18 gallon ADA

Ok I will join too Hehehe
24gal Nano

Our 6gal Nano *dose not look the same at all* We took out all corals and starfish *added them to our 24gal*. We have a very small small baby clown *which the store should of ever had!!* in there and rock for now.


Active Member
members of !!!!!!!!!!29, 24, 14, 10, 8, 5, 3 reefers!!!!!!!!!!
1. Nissan577 (owner)
2. Spanko (sorry your under me lol)
3. Silverdark (co-owner)
4. Subielover
5. Rebelprettyboy
6. NaNo-NeWb1983
7. Emilaya101
8. Alexknight
9. HappityLogan
10. PerfectDark
11. Fcatch76
12. Oceana
13. Paintballer768
14. Dnraiders
15. Mckevinfang
16. Todd03blown
17. JTT
18. Swimshagy89
19. Patrick8929
20. Scottallert
21. Peef
22. Sra127
23. Pdmxb2000
24. Funkysean5
25. Nwdyr
26. Alexa11
27. SaltyMarine
28. Shawn843
29. RubyRedRose46
30. DeMartini
31. Jmill
32. Mopar9012
33. Freeborder_01
great job fellas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but we need more! lol
ill join up one of these days when i get around to taking some pictures. Probably right before i leave for second semester of school....that way if anything dies ill have pichursss to remember it by


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
ill join up one of these days when i get around to taking some pictures. Probably right before i leave for second semester of school....that way if anything dies ill have pichursss to remember it by
look again!


Active Member
I use LS and LR and the cycle is short , of course if you use water from another tank then its REALLY short! but PLEASE don't put dead smelly stuff in your tank!!!! "ghost feeding" and "DEAD SHRIMP"
not for me