Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!


my picture won't post for some reason i have a thread with pics of it but it wont post on here.


Active Member
fishwise, either a yellow watchman goby or orange spotted goby.
as for corals, i would like to get some zoas and cloves. the frag swap is in a couple weeks and i may pick those up then.


Active Member
members of !!!!!!!!!!29, 24, 14, 10, 8, 5, 3 reefers!!!!!!!!!!
1. Nissan577 (owner)
2. Spanko (sorry your under me lol)
3. Silverdak (co-owner)
4. Subielover
5. Rebelprettyboy
6. NaNo-NeWb1983
7. Emilaya101
8. Alexknight
9. HappityLogan
10. PerfectDark
11. Fcatch76
12. Oceana
13. Paintballer768
14. Dnraiders
15. Mckevinfang
16. Todd03blown
17. JTT
18. Swimshagy89
19. Patrick8929
20. Scottallert
21. Peef
22. Sra127
23. Pdmxb2000
24. Funkysean5
25. Nwdyr
26. Alexa11
27. SaltyMarine
28. Shawn843
29. RubyRedRose46
30. DeMartini
31. Jmill
32. Mopar9012
33. Freeborder_01
34. ZacG
great job fellas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but we need more!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
members of !!!!!!!!!!29, 24, 14, 10, 8, 5, 3 reefers!!!!!!!!!!
1. Nissan577 (owner)
2. Spanko (sorry your under me lol)
3. Silverdak (co-owner)
4. Subielover
5. Rebelprettyboy
6. NaNo-NeWb1983
7. Emilaya101
8. Alexknight
9. HappityLogan
10. PerfectDark
11. Fcatch76
12. Oceana
13. Paintballer768
14. Dnraiders
15. Mckevinfang
16. Todd03blown
17. JTT
18. Swimshagy89
19. Patrick8929
20. Scottallert
21. Peef
22. Sra127
23. Pdmxb2000
24. Funkysean5
25. Nwdyr
26. Alexa11
27. SaltyMarine
28. Shawn843
29. RubyRedRose46
30. DeMartini
31. Jmill
32. Mopar9012
33. Freeborder_01
34. ZacG
great job fellas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but we need more!
no worries I will just correct you misspelling my forum name lol


Active Member
members of !!!!!!!!!!29, 24, 14, 10, 8, 5, 3 reefers!!!!!!!!!!
1. Nissan577 (owner)
2. Spanko (sorry your under me lol)
3. Silverdak (co-owner)
4. Subielover
5. Rebelprettyboy
6. NaNo-NeWb1983
7. Emilaya101
8. Alexknight
9. HappityLogan
10. PerfectDark
11. Fcatch76
12. Oceana
13. Paintballer768
14. Dnraiders
15. Mckevinfang
16. Todd03blown
17. JTT
18. Swimshagy89
19. Patrick8929
20. Scottallert
21. Peef
22. Sra127
23. Pdmxb2000
24. Funkysean5
25. Nwdyr
26. Alexa11
27. SaltyMarine
28. Shawn843
29. RubyRedRose46
30. DeMartini
31. Jmill
32. Mopar9012
33. Freeborder_01
34. ZacG
35. Cal559
great job fellas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but we need more!


Active Member
hmmm another photo contest? but a very specific one? like best picture of a coraline covered rock, or best rock formation, something that will make people go take some new pictures of there tanks and stuff in there tanks...


Active Member
E-mail sent.
side note... my LFS had 2 fish I wanted and I couldn't decide... either a Bi-color Blenny or a Firefish (not the purple one tho) they had like 3 of the firefish and 2 of the blennys...
I ended up getting neither cuz I am still working on the hair algae, which as an update is getting better or so it appears, water change every 3 days and no more flake food means no more phosphates!


Active Member
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats how i fix my problem! no feeding for 3 days. and do 5g water changes! woohoo and also scrubbing the rock in a bucket!