Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!


Active Member
all mine are gone...... hope you will all agree its the right move to purge all the arguing?? keep the facts, like subies first post...


Active Member
well.. I got rid of all my posts and suggested everyone else did the same to clean it up.... but whatever, I figured it would make us look slightly more mature not arguing with each other.
I DID take my LMB back to my LFS after much thinking in my head, no one on here really influenced my choice... just put the idea in my head. I am gonna get me a bi-color blenny, any objections for him being in a nano reef with a set of clowns? false Perc. if it matters...


Active Member
it will do great man! bicolors blenny are really active fish! and are amazing! i love them and i know you will as well


Active Member
Look SD go back and read posts 402, 406, and 408. In all three I told you the LMB if small now would be okay in your tank for a while. I never said you could not have it, it is your tank and your choice. I just don't want others not to have good info. That said the bicolor is a nice fish also and will be good in your tank for a while also. If you read my thread I have a foxface, actually the third one, in a 29 biocube. I know they are not supposed to be in a tank that small, but I buy them small and trade them in before they get too big. I do it to control Caulerpa in the tank. I do it because it is my tank. I don't tell people what they can do only what to expect from my experience and knowledge. Enjoy yourself, and get a little thicker skin, we are here to help people gain knowledge and make decisions based on that knowledge and thier desires. I think we should give them the correct information that's all.


Active Member
ya I know thats fine, I still decided to take him back today, get full store credit on him and put it towards a bi-color. Just trash all our arguing posts and we can pretend it didnt happen lol I got rid of mine, keep the factual ones


Active Member
soon?? I hope. why do you ask?? pictures? lol it took them about 3 weeks to the the LMB in, all there supply houses if youw ill didnt have them cuz they sold out so fast due to high demand. hopefully in a week or 2?? they dont come in different colors do they? they are yellow and purple


Active Member
not to bring up a dead issue here, I swear i dont care at all anymore.. but SWF site says they get 2-3 in and 10G is minimum size.. someone should contest it maybe and get it changed?? they get 6+" personally thats giving new hobbyists a bad idea i guess?
those bi-colors look amazing!!!!


Active Member
Do go for a smaller one if you can. Here is some more info on them
"The Bicolor Blenny is also known as the Two-colored Blenny. The Bicolor is so-named because the anterior half is blue to dull brown, and the posterior half is dull orange. Males are generally larger than females and experience a succession of color changes, including blue, when breeding. These Blennies exhibit great personality in the aquarium.
Generally found amid crevices and rocks on the bottom of its environment, the Bicolor Blenny needs a tank of at least 30 gallons with scattered rocks for perching and hiding. Opinions are mixed as to whether the Bicolor Blenny is a peaceful tank member and safe for invertebrates. Some believe the Bicolor Blenny is not safe with other species members and may pick on gobies and firefish. Others say the Bicolor Blenny is a peaceful community fish. Some say the Bicolor Blenny is safe around invertebrates and other sources say it will eat them. The best alternative is probably to combine these groups cautiously.
The diet of the Bicolor Blenny should include vegetable matter, including frozen and dried foods containing marine and blue-green algae. It will also feed on (and help control) algae growing in the aquarium. "


Originally Posted by nissan577
members of !!!!!!!!!!29, 24, 14, 10, 8, 5, 3 reefers!!!!!!!!!!
1. Nissan577 (owner)
2. Spanko (sorry your under me lol)
3. Silverdark (co-owner)
4. Subielover
5. Rebelprettyboy
6. NaNo-NeWb1983
7. Coral Keeper
8. Alexknight
9. HappityLogan
10. PerfectDark
11. Fcatch76
12. Oceana
13. Paintballer768
14. Dnraiders
15. Mckevinfang
16. Todd03blown
17. JTT
18. Swimshagy89
19. Patrick8929
20. Scottallert
21. Peef
22. Sra127
great job fellas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but we need more! lol
guys if yoyu name is not on the list but you have posted here before and are in the club let me know. i will put it in for you. sorry guys

What about me ?


Active Member
members of !!!!!!!!!!29, 24, 14, 10, 8, 5, 3 reefers!!!!!!!!!!
1. Nissan577 (owner)
2. Spanko (sorry your under me lol)
3. Silverdark (co-owner)
4. Subielover
5. Rebelprettyboy
6. NaNo-NeWb1983
7. Coral Keeper
8. Alexknight
9. HappityLogan
10. PerfectDark
11. Fcatch76
12. Oceana
13. Paintballer768
14. Dnraiders
15. Mckevinfang
16. Todd03blown
17. JTT
18. Swimshagy89
19. Patrick8929
20. Scottallert
21. Peef
22. Sra127
23. Pdmxb2000
24. Funkysean5
25. Emilaya101
great job fellas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but we need more! lol

guys if yoyu name is not on the list but you have posted here before and are in the club let me know. i will put it in for you. sorry guys