Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

no but the general forum is meant to provide people with the right advice and information therefore i see a probably cause for this "S***"


Active Member
alright every calm down....

this forum is for people to give advice and share your results. some people arnt good at taking advice and some people arnt good at giving it but its not meant to be an attack on any one. we are all here for the same goal and that is to help one anther out and give support!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
no but the general forum is meant to provide people with the right advice and information therefore i see a probably cause for this "S***"
and i NEVER told anyone they should put one in a 14G cube.. you don't like it tough block me and stop whining, best advice I could give you


Active Member
Everyone Relax! This Is A Place To Post Pics! And Share Information About Up Coming Events In The Club! Stop Fighting! This Is A Club For Nano Reefers! Not Fighting! Cmon Guys Be Adults! Respect Each Other


Active Member
either everyone respect one another or get out. we wanna have a fun excited family club. not a disrespectful one


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929
alright every calm down....

this forum is for people to give advice and share your results. some people arnt good at taking advice and some people arnt good at giving it but its not meant to be an attack on any one. we are all here for the same goal and that is to help one anther out and give support!
come on guys wats goin on!!!!???? just chill out!


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Shouldn't your "co-owner" respect the rules as well?????
how did I not respect the rules?? bye putting a LMB in my tank and you all jumped all over me? your right I shouldn't defend myself...... good one....


Active Member
these rules apply to everyone! no matter who you are. they even apply to me as well! respect and if you wanna fight or argue take it some where else! this is a family website!


Active Member
if you look at all of my posts I am laughing in everyone of them cuz you all get so worked up over MY tank.. I posted a picture and you were the first one to start the whining about I CAN'T have one in there. I believe I can, right or wrong its my tank and my choice.. you people will most likely never learn that what is in someone else's tank doesn't effect you at all


Active Member
everyone and anyone could have what ever they want in there tank. its their choice! yes people say its bad. like what they said to me about the shark. but let it go. your not gonna argue with someone that lives in another state. just accept the advice. if you dont like it or dont agree say "i know what you mean and i agree but its my choice and i wanna have one" thats it. once you say that people will accept your choice.


Active Member
I was under the assumption that we were all here to help each other. When advice was given and even backed up by Bob Fenner and many other experienced aquarists, SD replied with "I did plenty of searching trust me" when obviously that is most likely not true. We are trying to encourage responsible reef keeping and that includes, IMO, letting each other know when something doesn't belong. When I was new, I know I wanted people to send me in the right direction. I didn't mean it as a personal attack, but when information is laid at your feet and you choose to put your head in the proverbial ground, then that is not what I consider responsible.
Like you said nissan, it is his tank and he can put whatever he wants in it.


Active Member
thanks subie. i know what you mean! we are here to help and give advise. but some people like to go there own ways. so thanks for understanding guys
you guys are the greatest!
thanks subie and silver