14 gal bio cube

mack 10

New Member
this is my bio cube anyone have any ideas on any thing i should upgrade on the tank and any polys or zoas i should get that will grow quickly in the tank to fill in the bare areas


Active Member
maybe good hoodless, get a 70w jbj k2 viper metal halide light w/ astrolux or phoenix 14,000k bulb, a CPR aquatics aquafuge hang on back fuge to have a better place to grow pods for what looks like a banded pipefish in that tank.

mack 10

New Member
thanks ya it is a pipe fish do you have any pictures of how to gro the pod and where to get some to start and where could i pick up that lighting system without breakin the bank too much! o and do they make a light kit for my bio cube or do i have to create one! thanks for all the help!!
o and how does it look so far think its going ok does it look like i placed stuff right?? thanks

mack 10

New Member
thanks does has your worm rock grown much part of the back of mine is bare was wondering if it was going to fill in. and any ideas of things that might be doing well in your tank that i should add thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mack 10
thanks ya it is a pipe fish do you have any pictures of how to gro the pod and where to get some to start and where could i pick up that lighting system without breakin the bank too much! o and do they make a light kit for my bio cube or do i have to create one! thanks for all the help!!
o and how does it look so far think its going ok does it look like i placed stuff right?? thanks
you can pick that light up used for around ~$75.
umm I think an aquaclear 70 or maybe a 110 fits on the back and use a different impeller to reduce flow then run a fuge out of that... you can pick these up used for cheap.

mack 10

New Member
right on thanks! any soft coarls you can think about that would be hardy and grow well in the bio cube?


Well-Known Member
I agree with rotarymagic. zoas, rics and paly's.... daisy's are awesome too.
You just have to be patient with reefs. Nothing can grow as quick as we want to in this hobby!

mack 10

New Member
thanks found this cool little mom and pop shop thats reef only the guy is real smart the place is reef mystique you can see some of there tanks at reefmystique.com got some new stuff he had this big orange sponge and got some zoas ill post a picture when everything gets happy from the move

mack 10

New Member
i was wondering i reacently started a new reef tank its been running a couple months and think its time to replace the carbon filter medium it also runs over bio balls i have in the second chamber i was wondering if i changed the carbon filter pack if my ammonia will spike or will the bio balls and live rock will be enough biological!


I have the same tank, I upgraded to T5's. If you want I could post a picture. I think metal halide is over kill, besides the heat and evaporation issues. I am very happy with the resuilts.

mack 10

New Member
yes please post a picture! and did you upgrade you pump? anything you can show me that i can change would be awsome thanks
You shouldnt have gotten a mandarin. They live solely off of pods, he will slowly starve to death. Give it 3 months, and it will look like a skeleton. Especially since you have a banded pipe fish. They are all competing for the same food. You need to do more research befor you buy fish. Any body would have told you not to get a mandarin.
You have too many fish in a 14g tank. SW is basically, 1 inch per 5 gallons. With the damsel and pipefish, you allready have too many inches. Not to hate on you, just looking out for the fish