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  1. polarbear1

    Xenia problems

    I have xenia's die in my 45 a couple of times. A lot people say what there water quality is but i really dont check mine the tank looks better now then when my friend had it. I do weekly water changes so can try to keep up with water quality, because i am not able to have the tank at my house...
  2. polarbear1

    Xenia problems

    Sorry i ment to say that the worms did not bother my corals.
  3. polarbear1

    Xenia problems

    I not really sure why yours are dieing off but Ihave had the same problem sinse i changed my lights. I have pics of it under new bulbs before and now. yes i have noticed that my yellowtangs have been picking at them. It could be something like a bristle worm. I had bristle worms in my 45gal...
  4. polarbear1

    Ordering LIVE to columbus ohio

    Before I seen your thread I had placed an order. a sohal tang and emporer angel. the angel is for my fish only tank. I just wandering what you had in mind of ordering. I really dont know to many hobbiest around me, since i bought my friends tank off of him.
  5. polarbear1

    upgrading by next week.need help real qwik

    I agree with everybody on this save as much water as possible. In august I bought my friends 120 reef we moved it in about 7hrs. We kept 60 or so gallons. As far as lights upgrading to the mh is a good idea I have 2x 150mh and 2x96 watt pc atinics.
  6. polarbear1

    New Bulbs

    That is a good idea. But why are the shrooms in my tank doing so well they are spilting like crazy.
  7. polarbear1

    Ordering LIVE to columbus ohio

    What are you looking at ordering
  8. polarbear1

    Like to see some Awsome shroom pictures

    What are oregansreef tanks
  9. polarbear1

    Like to see some Awsome shroom pictures

    Nice shrooms My tank is mainly shrooms heres the big 1.
  10. polarbear1

    New Bulbs

    The bulbs were over 1year old my friend told me I needed to replace the lights when I bought the tank.
  11. polarbear1

    New Bulbs

    here are some pics
  12. polarbear1

    New Bulbs

    Thanks for the sugestion. I will try that. I only had the tank since August. When I moved the tank I didn' lose anything, I would hate to now. I will try to post pics soon.
  13. polarbear1

    New Bulbs

    I recently replaced the Mh bulbs on my 120, and a toadstole leather in my xenia's are in a meltdown. Should I cut back the time on the lights? Open for sugestions. I am going to replace to atinics this week.
  14. polarbear1

    Aquarium of the Month - Win $100 order

    Dajoker22 nice 120 can't wait to see more pics when I get a chance I will try to post pics of my 120.