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  1. cjburden

    It was said that fish can't see the red spectrum of light

    and that as such, red would make the ideal choice for a 'night light'. However I wanted to say that the fish in my tank seem very reactionary to the red LED moonlight that I made. As soon as I turn it on they become more active and if they were sleeping, soon are not. My question is where did...
  2. cjburden

    What kind of water do i use?

    yea thats essentially what I was saying, was that if you add too much you'll need to do a water change, adding freshwater and removing salt and adjust down. You'll also need a place to store the removed saltwater, or you'll just waste it. I just find it easier to simply adjust up as needed...
  3. cjburden

    What kind of water do i use?

    good point about leaving room for the substrate, thats something a lot of people probably wouldn't even think of. Also, remember if anything, to undermix the salt instead of overmixing. After adding the salt, allow it to sit 1 day, take your SG measurement and then if necessary add more salt...
  4. cjburden

    What kind of water do i use?

    well, the skimmer won't likely skim anything, so it will only act as a water pump essentially, which is good for mixing the water. It doesn't hurt to turn the skimmer on because if there isn't anything to skim, nothing will be skimmed, but if there is, it will. At least, thats how it was...
  5. cjburden

    What kind of water do i use?

    and yes, keep your filters running if you do mix it in the tank, as that will aid in increasing your current, which is a large factor in mixing the solution properly.
  6. cjburden

    What kind of water do i use?

    yes you can. if its a new tank and you don't have any fish in it, thats entirely possible. However if you DO mix it in the tank, its best NOT to have any substrate present yet so that the salt doesn't settle into it. That being said you can even still do it then (not suggested) and...
  7. cjburden

    is this deep? i am confused

    I'd say that you are very borderline, however being that you have PC's and not MH's the clam probably will not thrive in that lighting. So could you keep one? yes, but it probably won't grow a lot and it won't be as vivid a color as you see in pictures of ones under MH/actinic combos. I'm by no...
  8. cjburden

    What kind of water do i use?

    you can use regular tap water, but you'll need to get some tap water conditioner. the best kind to get typically is one that uses 1 drop per 1 gallon of water, and look for a reputable fish supplies brand such as aquarium pharmecuticals, for example. Its also helpful if you allow your water to...
  9. cjburden

    I almost puked when I cleaned out my collection cup

    blah.. I can only imagine! has it ever stunk up the room that you have it in or anything? I'm hoping I don't come home some day to my room smelling like a rotten egg/fart. :P
  10. cjburden

    No filter setup...possible to self-sustain?

    This fish is very agressive against other clownfish. It shoud be kept singly or bought as a mated pair. They are very hardy, and will happily live in various large pacific anemones. right, so unless you're getting a mated pair, than don't get 2 of them because they won't get along. I've heard...
  11. cjburden

    false purc clown

    Originally posted by Phil1964 I feel like letting my ignorance show. What is the dif between a false and true perc? actually tiger, I think they have the same number of fins. however the coloration is the noticable difference. in a book I read (conscientious marine aquarist) the author...
  12. cjburden

    No filter setup...possible to self-sustain?

    Maroon clowns are supposed to be kept 1 to a tank aren't they?
  13. cjburden

    I almost puked when I cleaned out my collection cup

    cpr bakpak 2 and It hadn't really been skimming a lot, so I hadn't cleaned it for about a week. I'll NEVER let that happen again. lol
  14. cjburden

    I almost puked when I cleaned out my collection cup

    yikes. It smells like a marsh on a hot day at low tide, but worse. I'll have to clean that more often :o I really almost let my lunch loose in the toilet for a second. hehe
  15. cjburden

    LFS in Massachusetts/NH

    heard very good things about fintastic fish also. gonna try and get down there to check it out one of these days.
  16. cjburden

    What The *%#~ They're Hideous!?!?!

    If I had to wager a guess, I'd say aliens. Yea, definately aliens. :P
  17. cjburden

    Help with cycling my tank.

    I decided to go with getting a fish for now.... wish was certainly not the patient approach to take. I got a yellow tang, gave him formaldahyde (sp?) dip and then acclimated him. He's doing alright 12 hours later. He's actually just started to swim around the tank and investigate it more...
  18. cjburden

    Help with cycling my tank.

    well the only thing with that is that my damsel will be lonely for the next couple weeks if I go that route. Seems cruel to have only 1 fish in a tank :/ oh well, perhaps I'll go with an alternate fish so I don't have to get 2 of them for now, or maybe I'll wait. decisions decisions :-P
  19. cjburden

    No Cycling!!

    Originally posted by KimKissyFish OK, Well, I decided to ride it out...... I went to my fish guy when my ammonia spiked to 3.0+ (i think) my journal is downstairs) lol Well, Steve gave me dirty media filter stuff from his tanks, I popped it into my fluval catridge and WAIT for the nitarites...
  20. cjburden

    Help with cycling my tank.

    Well what I decided to do was get some live sand for now... I tossed that in along with a dirty filter pad from my local lfs that he grabbed out of one of his tanks, and 2 days later the ammonia/trites have both dropped completely to zero. I'm sort of trying to figure out which route to go...