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  1. roggy23

    Do i need bio balls in sump?

    oh by the way i do get occasionally algae like slight hair algae and brown stuff on the glass which is really hard to scrape off, what do you guys say??? please help
  2. roggy23

    Do i need bio balls in sump?

    OK, im gonna get rif of my can filter and going with a sump. I have a 60 gal FOWLR + LS, 1 porcy puffer and 1 bursa trigger both 3-4 inches. Aqua C remora skimmer and powerheads MY LFS said that i did NOT "NEED" bio balls in my sump because i have biological filteration with my LR + LS, IS he...
  3. roggy23

    Safe To Get Rid Of Can Filter?

    please i need more suggestions or advice?
  4. roggy23

    fish living with ich!

    no scratching, he acts fine. ok ill do a search on lympho
  5. roggy23

    Safe To Get Rid Of Can Filter?

    i have a 60 gal FOWLR + LS setup running for over 6 months now. I have a aqua c remora protein skimmer also and its does a great job. MY question is at this point Do i really need my can filter running anymore? i have 2 powerheads so i have enough water flow. will it be ok since i have LR + LS...
  6. roggy23

    Safe To Get Rid Of Can Filter?

    i have a 60 gal FOWLR + LS setup running for over 6 months now. I have a aqua c remora protein skimmer also and its does a great job. MY question is at this point Do i really need my can filter running anymore? i have 2 powerheads so i have enough water flow. will it be ok since i have LR + LS...
  7. roggy23

    fish living with ich!

    Can fish constanly fight ich and live with ich in the tank for long periods of time? These are fish that have been Qt'ed before entering the tank under hypo the precise way. reason why i ask is because i see my fish spotless at times and other times i see white spots appear on the fins...
  8. roggy23

    wet/dry overflow noise?

    DARN, its right next to my bed haha
  9. roggy23

    overflow from wetdry noise?

    i hate the bubbles that is why i am going from a can filter to a sump setup becasue my can filter releases bumbles inthe tank from the return nozzle along with my HOB skimmer.
  10. roggy23

    wet/dry overflow noise?

    ok im wondering when i get my sump setup to my established tank, how loud is the overflow box gonna be- you know the setup where the overflow box is hanging in the tank connected to a siphon and to a prefilter box. would you say it would be just as loud as having a HOB skimmer or louder?
  11. roggy23

    overflow from wetdry noise?

    ok im wondering when i get my sump setup to my established tank, how loud is the overflow box gonna be- you know the setup where the overflow box is hanging in the tank connected to a siphon and to a prefilter box. would you say it would be just as loud as having a HOB skimmer or louder?
  12. roggy23

    sump/ refugium questions?

    awesome squid thanks, ok so what do i do then, how do i increase my biological filtration level to macth my increased bioload at that time?
  13. roggy23

    sump/ refugium questions?

    ive had my tank for over 6 months now and i dont get much algae growth and i dont have a sump or refuge, that sounds like a goo dsign right? all i really get which i clean once a week is the brown stuff that spots on the glass and is tough to scrape off...
  14. roggy23

    sump/ refugium questions?

    hey squid, how do you actually know when you dont need any more biological filteration?? does it show in the tank by algae growth or what:notsure:
  15. roggy23

    Which Wet/Dry????Skimmer???

    same here i had fish die on me all the time until i started QTing :)
  16. roggy23

    skimmer not producing foam?

    haha yeh no kidding squid, i think im just paranoid, but my can filter def sucks
  17. roggy23

    skimmer not producing foam?

    nevermind i see foam :)
  18. roggy23

    skimmer not producing foam?

    ive been keeping an eye on my aqua c remora skimmer and it has a prefilter box attached to it and it seems like for the past 3 days it hasnt been producing any of the foam like it used to... what should i check or do?
  19. roggy23

    can filter to wet/dry system

    ok i need suggestions. I have decided to get rid of my can filter setup and go with a sump setup with an overflow since my tank is already running. my question is can i rid my system of the can filter altogether and setup my wet dry system without worrying about the bacteria that was build up in...
  20. roggy23

    can filter --> wet/dry :)

    Also i would appreciate if anyone knows the best overflow setup wet dry system best for my aquc remora protein skimmer to hang from?