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  1. buckshott

    Can I use cc then put aragonite on top?

    Wouldn't the tank cleaners take care of the stuff that gets trapped in the cc. Ie. shrimp, cucumber etc.
  2. buckshott

    Can I use cc then put aragonite on top?

    How much aragonite sand should I use with a 39 gallon tank? Thank you all for your help.
  3. buckshott

    Can I use cc then put aragonite on top?

    I have CC on bottom of tank and then I've placed my LR on top of that. Could I put aragonite on top of the CC?
  4. buckshott

    Do I need LS in my tank?

    Do I need LS in my tank? I already have LR and CC.
  5. buckshott

    Can I add fish now? All readings almost perfect!!!!

    Thank you very much people. I didn't think so, but I thought I would ask. Thanks again.
  6. buckshott

    Can I add fish now? All readings almost perfect!!!!

    I've had my tank since Tuesday and I just did my nitrite, nitrate, amonnia, ph and iron tests. All are perfect. I tested my water with my hydrometer and that is perfect. Can I go ahead and add a damsel in now or wait? Thank you.
  7. buckshott

    Aquatru Saltwater Master 2 Good Test Kit or Not?

    I bought this kit for $19.00 orig. $56.00 from my lfs. Is this a good kit or did he rip me off?
  8. buckshott

    VERY new to this -- Please help!

    I'm w/ J Carrol this is what I'd do.
  9. buckshott

    Need Help Purchasing Damsels!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was thinking about getting some damsels(new tank). I wanted to get: 1- Seargent Major 1- Yellowtail 1- South Sea Will these be able to survive all together three different types of damsel species? Can I get two of each???? Please help!!!
  10. buckshott

    water quality vs. clarity

    12-14 Hours is a bit much. Those peeps - the LFS are running that in their tank because the fish in there only stay for a week or so then they're gone. I might be wrong but dang 12-14 hrs a day w/ the light on. Like I said I'm new - this too but that seems like alot for a personal tank. Plus...
  11. buckshott

    water quality vs. clarity

    How Many WATTS!!!! I'm w/ Tizzo. I agree w/ him. Also do you have any cleaner packages? Shrimp, Snails, Cuke's etc. the'll help eat that stuff right Tizz?
  12. buckshott

    water quality vs. clarity

    It's not if the light is bad or not, it may be how much watts you have on your bulb.
  13. buckshott

    water quality vs. clarity

    Wattage is also VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!! I have a 55 watt Atintic light in my tank---6400k it goes from bright setting to LIGHT green almost yellow to a black light of some sorts. Good luck man. Again no expert but this is how I got my info., by the people on this sight. They have great advice.
  14. buckshott

    water quality vs. clarity

    Just to lend my 2 cents. I was told only to have the lights on for about 2-4 hours a day. This should be a routine for the fish. What I mean is the exact time everyday. Maybe get a timer. Also do you have coral? Different kind of light adjustments are cruicial. Some Coral as well as FISH...
  15. buckshott

    Thank You To All That Has Helped Me!!! Esp. Snipe!!!

    Thank you everyone for your help and responding to my questions almost everyday for the last month. Especially Snipe. Thanks Snipe. My tank has been up for almost two days now and it is crystal clear. Gonna wait another two weeks before I add fish; Don't want to push it, you know? There is...
  16. buckshott

    What kind of tester kit for a new tank

    Is there an on-line store for this?
  17. buckshott

    Reef Tank or Saltwater Tank? Difference?

    What is the diff. b/w the two? Sorry this might be a stupid question for some other people but not me. Thank you.
  18. buckshott

    What kind of tester kit for a new tank

    Where do I get this?
  19. buckshott

    What kind of tester kit for a new tank

    What kind of tester kit do I buy for my kit. I am picking up a tank 5 hours away and transporting the tank and all of the old water as well as some new water I have prepared. What kind of kit to test the alk., nitrate, etc. Please Help!!!!! Thank you.
  20. buckshott

    Can I use store bought springwater

    What is RO?