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  1. arn

    white stuff on fish

    i think my fishes have ick.....they have white stuff all over them. How do i cure them without harming my corals?
  2. arn

    white stuffs on my fish

    it looks more like powder.
  3. arn

    white stuffs on my fish

    yes they are eating well. i think they are breathing well also :D
  4. arn

    white stuffs on my fish

    hi, i have a 60g tank with a domino damsel, tomato clown,angel fish, scopas tang, yellow tang and a sailfin tang with lots of corals and snails and hermit crabs. Ive had my tank for about 6months now. Just recently, i noticed some white stuff growing on my fishes. Is there a way for me to get...
  5. arn

    elephant ear

    hi everyone, I have an elephant ear in my tank and this morning, when i saw it, a saliva like fluid is coming of the center of the coral. Does that mean that my coral is dying?.....Thanks for your help guys.
  6. arn

    metal halide light

    ok thanks for the info.
  7. arn

    metal halide light

    ive had the metal halide light for a week now...i use to only have flourescent bulbs (50/50 and blue actinic bulbs). Now, I have all 3 of them.....the lights are on for about 8 hours to 12 hours a day..... But recently, I noticed that instead of the rocks turning purple, they are turning a bit...
  8. arn

    metal halide light

    oops.....its 175watts 5500k metal halide.
  9. arn

    metal halide light

    Hi, I recently added a 175watt 55k metal halide light to my 60g tank. Now, all my rocks are starting to turn green. Can anyone tell me if this is normal or if it's not, what should I do next?...Thanks
  10. arn

    food for cleaners

    I have about 5 peppermint shrimps and 1 coral banded shrimp....If i have to give them food, what kind of food do i give them and where can I get that?...thanks
  11. arn

    food for cleaners

    snails, hermit crabs, shrimps
  12. arn

    food for cleaners

    Hi, I recently got one of the reef packages is offering. They are now in my 60g tank. My tank has been running for about a month and a half now. Can anyone tell me what I need to feed these cleaners? Cause I put them there to take care of the brown algaes on my rocks. And they...
  13. arn


    if its a mantis or a pistol. Where did they come from?
  14. arn

    test results on my h2O

    i got some live rocks from lf and some from an old tank that was already running. The owner sold his set up and I got the rocks. All the rocks had purple corraline algaes when i got them. The sand i got it from lfs. Its one of those commercially prepared sand for reeftanks.
  15. arn

    fish thats color purple

    what kind of fish is the blue assesor and the purple firefish?
  16. arn

    fish thats color purple

    Hi, im looking for a fish thats color purple. Im too lazy to go look at all the pictures of fish here in anybody tell me any fish thats color purple thats safe for reef tanks?...Thanks
  17. arn

    test results on my h2O

    is there a limit on the number of corals i can put?
  18. arn

    test results on my h2O

    2" per 10 gallons. Is that the limit I can put for the rest of my tank life? Or i can add more in the fututre?
  19. arn

    test results on my h2O

    my tank has been running for a month already and brown algaes have formed on my live rocks. I've been told that its almost the end of the cycle already. My tank is 60g..........Anyway, how do I really know if my tank has already cycled?
  20. arn

    test results on my h2O

    my tank is 60g