Search results

  1. landolakes

    Help Me! Pretty Please? I'll

    I would not get those for any anenomes. They are right up at the top even with halides and are very light demanding. I would look for a reef club/society in your area and buy some halides from someone, you can usually get them really cheap. I also have the that system and I am satisfied but...
  2. landolakes

    Gotta love those frogs!

    Couple of mine
  3. landolakes

    Powerheads keep coming undone

    I think everyone deals with that, I just wrap the cord around something so that if it does does come loose it wont angle all the way down and hit the sand.
  4. landolakes

    First pics

    It all looks better and makes sense when you see the tank in person, I have it set up like a garden so you have a zoo fence along the back and a couple different mushroom beds. One for yumas, floridas and regular shrooms and then just the stuff that I dont want spreading all over the rock like...
  5. landolakes

    First pics

    some more
  6. landolakes

    First pics

    Here are the first pics, crappy realy old camera and my battery died so couldnt get any good ones but here goes.
  7. landolakes

    Lunarre wrasse and sfe

    Thank you
  8. landolakes

    Lunarre wrasse and sfe

    Are these two compatible? I have a sfe all by himself and would like just one larger fish to keep with him but I dont know if the lunarre will chomp at the eel.
  9. landolakes


    Just bought a new 37 gal cube and need suggestions on what to do with it. Hoping to set up something other then just a mixed reef are there any cool biotypes or any other suggestions out there. All suggestions welcome and just suggest something and I will get the proper equipment according to...
  10. landolakes

    whats a small cool fish

    The panda goby is the same as the green, yellow and black clown goby so he will be fine.
  11. landolakes


    Can clownfish crossbreed like a clarkii and an ocellaris? My two hang out together and defend the same spot. :thinking:
  12. landolakes

    Coral ID

    I have this small frag of coral that looks like green stars except that the mat is pink and smooth and much thicker then s star mat, maybe 3 times as thick. When the polyps extend its almost like they come out of no where and they also are pink. Have no pics and thats as best as I can...
  13. landolakes

    Finding Nemo in the Pet Store

    When I first started working at a lfs the percs and ocel. were only 7.99 and sold to cycle tanks. I thiunk the movies intentions were to teach us how unhappy fish are in aquariums but it totaly backfired. I think for the hobbiest it has helped with more variety but has also made people to do a...
  14. landolakes

    Help my firefish

    After one day of feeding garlic infused krill pieces my firefish is swimming normal I will keep him seperare for a week or so to get used to his new tank buddies.
  15. landolakes

    Help my firefish

    He is going to go into the reef tank now and since he is already floating in there I figure by the time he is better everyone will be used to him and he them. The hawk will stay in the other tank as long as he does not mess with anyone else.
  16. landolakes

    Help my firefish

    He is eating and is he swimming like that because of the lack of fins which are not as far down as the bone, what is the smallest qt tank I can set up for him, I have a couple of 5 gallon tanks that I can use water from my reef which he is in to fill, will that work?
  17. landolakes

    Help my firefish

    My firefish was in my tank with my flame hawk and the hawk took out the ends of his tail, now the firefish has been moved to a seperate container(like the kritter keeper things) in another tank to heal up but now he cant swim properly. He is still eating but his back end floats up and he cant...
  18. landolakes

    Feeding Gorgonian

    I have used Kent for about 3 months now and my gorg. looks much better now then it ever did at the lfs. I turn everything off and kind of cover it in a smokey looking fog about twice a week, more if it is really open a few days. My feather dusters love being next to it and my scallop comes...
  19. landolakes

    please reccomend a reef safe dwarf angel.

    Beth is definately right about the angels. You can never call a duck a chicken and believe it but it doesnt mean that you cant have a duck who lives with and thinks hes a chicken. (grew up on farm) I have kept a flame with my softies aand lps for a year now with no problems and know of many...
  20. landolakes

    Fish List

    The sfe will be going into the 50 gallon seperated from the pump. Its more a question of bioload.