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  1. b mccoy

    Coraline Growth

    Funny thing about coraline to look out for also is the amount of lighting. My coraline was doing great, couldn't keep it off the front glass AND THEN---I upgraded my lights. I had pc and went to t5. I stayed at the eact same wattage, just a different type of lights. Now all my coraline is...
  2. b mccoy

    how long to leave lights on?

    "I'm running one 65 watt Dual Daylight for 14 hrs and one 65 watt Dual Actinic Japanese for 10 hrs. The sun comes up around 6am and lights the tank for 2 hrs then the daylight light comes on, sun goes down around 830 and the actinic japenese light comes on an hour later for the night. Is this or...
  3. b mccoy

    55 gallon lighting question?

    Thanks payton. I really am not interested in keeping clams right now anyway. Ben
  4. b mccoy

    55 gallon lighting question?

    So roughly 200 watts of t5's to keep the corals that I want to keep? Ben
  5. b mccoy

    55 gallon lighting question?

    I just got a 55 gallon tank, anf I am about to start setting it up. I have a question on th elighting requirments for keeping things such as lps and softies in this. I want to move everything from my ten gallon, and I realize that I will need more light. I can't go Metal Halide due to the...
  6. b mccoy

    Placement of New Zoo's

    Who is G? I would like to know also. I live in Nashville and there aren't many places to get good coral. Ben
  7. b mccoy

    2.5 gallon nano anyone?

    Acually the little damsel is not bad at all. I wouldn't put more in there, but from what I understand a little gobie would be fine also. I just do a water change about once a week. The water was in good condition. Like I said, I just moved everything over to a 10 gallon. And I got a little...
  8. b mccoy

    2.5 gallon nano anyone?

    I had a 10 gallon whisper filter on it, and a 15 watt zoomed 50/50. I just moved it all to a 10 gallon and added another 10 gallon filter. I am in the process of building a hood and am going to go with another 15 watt light. And then start adding corals . Ben
  9. b mccoy

    2.5 gallon nano anyone?

    Here is mine. It has been running for 2 months now with a small blue damsel and 3 blue leg hermit crabs. I am about to move up to a 10 gallon, and transfer everything to it. For now, I still like my 2.5 . Ben
  10. b mccoy

    2 1/2 gallon questions..

    Nemo lover.. I am looking for advice and tips on setting up a 2.5. Also what type of equipment to use and can you direct me to it. I have a large FW tank that is running quite nicely, but I want to try SW. Now I know what people are going to say... Go with a bigger tank. The problem with that is...
  11. b mccoy

    2 1/2 gallon questions..

    Ok thanks guys!! that helps me alot... I really appreciate it.. ben
  12. b mccoy

    2 1/2 gallon questions..

    When I said tips, I just meant any advice would be welcome. I'm not even sure if I am going to do it or not. I am just thinking about it.. Thanks for your help.. :happy: Ben
  13. b mccoy

    just passed 3 years, thought i would share

    Beautiful setup!!! Ben
  14. b mccoy

    2 1/2 gallon questions..

    Hey folks.. I saw a thread here with a 2 and a half gallon tank setup and am wondering how to go about setting one of those up. I know that there is alot that I need to learn in the first place, but would like to go small because of expense and room. Anyone have any tips?? Ben