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  1. cmbarnes10

    pH drop

    I have a blue damsel, I was about to add more fish but I was waiting to make sure the damsel would live? Do you suggest investing in the ca and alk tests?
  2. cmbarnes10

    pH drop

    It is only 2 months old...this is my first tank, I have not tested for Ca or alk, my lfs told me I only needed to test for Ammonia, Nitrit and Nitrate and pH.(This does not surprise me they have dupped me many times in the last 2 months) I just finished cycling. I have Nitrate at 20 and the rest 0.
  3. cmbarnes10

    pH drop

    I just checked my levels and my pH dropped from 8.2 to 7.8 in two days!!! What can I do to get in back up???
  4. cmbarnes10

    New 20 gallon

    You should only have one mexican turbo for every 20 gallons. I nstead of having that many MT get one of them and about 10-15 of the smaller snails. I ahve a 20 gallon and that is waht I have right now and they are doing a great job. Also I have 10-15 blue legged hermits which help quite a bit.
  5. cmbarnes10

    I know I feel dumb but i gotta ask

    Wow, you got an awesome deal!!!! Good luck!!
  6. cmbarnes10

    help with lighting

    Originally Posted by seannmelly Lighting depends all on what kind of corals you want to keep. I don't believe there is such a thing as "purple" lighting. If you went with power compacts, you would have day light bulbs(which are white) and actinic bulbs(which are blue) Okay so I am VERY new...
  7. cmbarnes10

    help with lighting

    I was thinking about making my tank a reef tank and the lfs was talking about lighting and prices in which I understood nothing they said. I know I heard purple lighting and that the one with the purple light was the best....and it is $200.00 for a 20 gallon tank???? What should I look for in...
  8. cmbarnes10

    Help...I think I got wrong information

    thanks for the help...
  9. cmbarnes10

    Help...I think I got wrong information

    If the hermits did die do I need to take out the dead one because I can't find them or would the live ones take care of it? I did a 10% water change this morning...forgot to mention it long should I wait to test the water again?
  10. cmbarnes10

    Clown fish swimming

    clowns do swim funny, they are quite entertaining to watch but I do belive they need a friend. Ever since I got my second one they have not left eachothers side.
  11. cmbarnes10

    Help...I think I got wrong information

    We started our tank about 2 months ago. It is 20 gallons, 8 pounds of live rock, filter and protein skimmer. We tested our water weekly for the first 4 weeks and by the 4th week it had seemed to have cycled, I had .25-.50 ammonia which then by the fourth week had gone to zero as did my nitrite...
  12. cmbarnes10

    when to add cleaner fish and others?

    oh and how soon can I add an emerald crab???
  13. cmbarnes10

    when to add cleaner fish and others?

    I have a 20 gallon tank that has only had the fish in it about three weeks. I have two false perculas, purple pseudochromis and a blue damsel. I also have 10 blue legged hermit crabs and one mexican turbo snail. How soon until I can add a cleaner shrimp? How soon for a starfish?
  14. cmbarnes10

    purple pseudochromis acting scared

    Thanks, i am really new at this. I check compatability and all of them are the same size and he is the only one of his shape. I read that there should only be one of his type. Well I hope he does well, he is beautiful.
  15. cmbarnes10

    purple pseudochromis acting scared

    a little over 36 hours. not long at all.
  16. cmbarnes10

    purple pseudochromis acting scared

    I have a 20 gallon tank and am very new to fish let alone saltwater fish. I had a blue damsel first as my guinea pig to make sure my water was safe. He survived and did great I then added two false percula clowns and a purple pseudochromis. The clowns are doing great and the blue damsel is also...