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  1. porter

    Dolphin Aqua Sea 2100

    Does anybody know if the DOLPHIN AQUA SEA 2100 can be mounted above where it will be drawing it's supply water? I only have room for it above my refug/sump approx. 24" Thanks.
  2. porter

    Bad Ballast???

    Perfect! Thanks for the link!
  3. porter

    Bad Ballast???

    Just talked to Hamilton Tech. I ordered a new raw ballast for $35. Not to bad. My original was a D-Light, they are sending me a Workhorse as a replacement. Guess they don't deal with D-light anymore. Apparently the wiring is a little different so it will come with a wiring diagram.
  4. porter

    Bad Ballast???

    It is electronic. Hmm... how can I test for that? When I opened the ballast case I could only get to the wire nut connections. Everything else was inside another case that has a hardened black gel sealing it. I assume the starter circuit is inside there. Is it replaceable?
  5. porter

    Bad Ballast???

    My PC's aren't working. They are Hamiltons 96w square pins. Both bulbs are brand new. Neither bulbs will light, tried switching them around, nothing. I opened the ballast and tested EVERY connection. Also opened the light fixture and tested those connections as well. I went so far as to insert...
  6. porter

    Are all RO units equal?

    Thanks, that answers my question. I appreciate your help.
  7. porter

    Are all RO units equal?

    Originally Posted by SCSInet It's far to say that all RO cartridges are rated equal. A "4 stage" unit from one brand/vendor is going to be basically the same as a "4 stage" unit from another. Ok, so regardless if I were to get an RO unit from a hardware store (not selling for aquatic use) or...
  8. porter

    Are all RO units equal?

    Hello all. Just getting back into the hobby. I moved to the city so now believe I need to get a RO unit. I've found a few new units that say they are for drinking water at a fairly good price. My question is are all RO units equal? Thanks for the help. Not sure if I'm allowed to post live links...
  9. porter

    what the hell is this???

    Thanks Mola. Do you know what use they in an aquarium? I've got about 10 that I can see now. They make a small mound out of the gravel, and the only part sticking out of the gravel is the tentacles. How am I suposed to clean the gravel without sucking them up to? Are they worth the trouble to...
  10. porter

    what the hell is this???

    I guess it would have helped to check the post after I created it huh. I'll try again.
  11. porter

    what the hell is this???

    I'm not to shure if these are Bristole worms or not. Any one know? I can see about 6 or 7 in my gravel. Should I get rid of them or "throw em back"? Thanks Porter.
  12. porter

    55gl reef lighting

    I have the same size tank with 2 175W MH and 2 96W PC. That gives me 9.8 wats of lighting per gallon compared to 2 250W mh that will give you 9.0 (with out any other Actinic lights). The stronger the lighting the more choices you have of specimen to put in your tank. I was told by my LFS that my...
  13. porter


    Thanks guys, but the one I asked about did die. And my other one got sucked up into the damn power head!!! That's 2 now that same power head has taken victim!
  14. porter


    what does an anemonie look like when it starts dying? I have one that looks like it is turning inside out:confused: :help:
  15. porter

    wavemaster pro

    Does anyone know how many powerheads can be pluged into the "Wavemaster Pro" that this site sells? I saw one at my LFS that would acomodate 4 but it was 50$ more than the one on this site.
  16. porter

    Water selection

    If you mean the tank water I test for Amo., Nitrate Nitrite and the PH every 4 days religiously. I do know we all have fairly hard water out here with much more minerals than city water but crystal clear water non the less. All the readings have always been perfect should I still be concernd?
  17. porter

    Water selection

    Is there a problem with using well water for my tank? Hopefully not, it has been up and running sincethe begining of January. I have 60lbs. Live Rock, 80 lbs. crushed coral, 5 Damsels, 1 clown, 1 Brittle Star, 3 Blue legged hermits, and 11 Astre snails. Everything is doing great and active as...