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  1. imo

    Sand before water

    Add the sand first and then place a dinner plate or bowl on the sand. You can then poor the water into the tank and the plate/bowl will prevent most of the turbulance from kicking up your sand. Nothing will prevent a little bit of cloudiness.
  2. imo

    OT: Rodeo

    PETA sucks! Some things that they fight for are right and just but on the whole they are not. If they could have their way, you would not be able to have a saltwater tank because the fish are not in their normal habbitat and puting them in a 55 galon tank would be cruel and inhuman punishment...
  3. imo

    False Percula Compatability

    Hello All, I have recently just added a black percula clown to my tank last Saturday. What I need to know is if I would be able to add a orange false perc without there being any terretorial conflicts? Is one week long enough for the black perc to setup a terratory. I would have purchased...
  4. imo

    Clown Compatibility

    Can anyone tell me if a orange false perc would get along with a true BLACK perc. As I understand it, the black may be a little more aggressive. I would like to put them in together. I have a 55 gal tank.