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  1. tonyzick

    brain coral question

    there won't be any problems next to the mushrooms or will there be
  2. tonyzick

    brain coral question

    my calcium is 425-450 my alk 8.2-8.6 ph 8.2 amm. 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10-20 temp 76 it is in moderate flow, i will try moving it up higher. look at the picture i sent now maybe ill put it in the space above the anemone. What do you think ?
  3. tonyzick

    brain coral question

    I have never seen the feeder tenticles out
  4. tonyzick

    brain coral question

    I bought this coral about 2 weeks ago and the petshop told me it would do fine under 440 watts of vho in my 75 gallon tank. All the outer edges that are brown are now turning white. Any suggestion ?
  5. tonyzick

    making a sump

    It is the turbofloater 1000 multi i just didnt leave enough room behind my tank to use it has a hang on. How would i drill my sump and mount the pump on the outside for the skimmer ?
  6. tonyzick

    making a sump

    I currently have a amiracle slime line 150 wet dry on my 75 now .i have a all glass 75 gal with a built in overflow. i want to make a sump because i dont have room for my protein skimmer and mag drvie5 pump to fit in the sump. also can i use my prefilter from the wet dry i already have.Also my...
  7. tonyzick

    algae growing

    on 11/11/02 my readings ph 8.3,amm 0,nitrite 0, nitrates 0, alk 3.2, ca 350-400, phosphates .02, salt 1.022, temp 78. I did a 20 gallon water change on 11/10/02. I'm using a red sea wavemaster pro with 3 maxi jet 1000 powerheads. there is no phosphates in my r.o. water. I'm dosing kalkwasser...
  8. tonyzick

    algae growing

    i have 20 astrea snails,10 red foot moon snails,10 blue leg crabs,10 scarlet crabs,green star polyps which don't open anymore, brown polyps,mushrooms and a green porite coral.
  9. tonyzick

    algae growing

    I have a 75 gallon i set up on 9/28/02. it has 55 lbs of live rock and 80 lbs of live sand.I have green brown hair and slime algae growing all over the rocks and powerheads.I have 440 watts of v.h.o and a custom sealife u.v. i'm going to purchase the turbofloater protein skimmer by the end of...
  10. tonyzick

    which protein skimmer

    I have a 75 gal. which protein skimmer do you recommend a seaclone 100 or a cpr bak-pak 2r
  11. tonyzick

    skimmer for 75 gallon

    I have a 75 gallon reef tank which has about 60 gallons of water after adding rock and sand. would a cpr bakpak skimmer be o.k. for this tank it said its good to 60 gallons or is it to small still ?
  12. tonyzick

    adding corals

    Do i have to acclimate corals attached to live rock from my 35 gallon to put in my 75 if both the tanks are the same ? Because some of the corals on the rock are to big to float in bags how can i acclimate them not in bags or do i just put them in the 75?
  13. tonyzick

    Naso tang hiding

    yes i have a ground probe hooked up in the sump
  14. tonyzick

    Naso tang hiding

    btw how did you get that fish under your user name ?
  15. tonyzick

    Naso tang hiding

    Right now 1 fire fish goby and im planning on buying a bicolor angel
  16. tonyzick

    Naso tang hiding

    I had my naso tang for about 10 days now. water is perfect ,but the naso has been hiding behind the rocks and doesnt come out and nows hes not eating. Whats up with him ?
  17. tonyzick

    posting for a win

  18. tonyzick

    brown algae

    How long does the brown algae stage of starting a new tank last?
  19. tonyzick

    adding fish and corals from old tank

    I started my 75 gallon on 9/27/02 with 80 lbs of natures ocean bio-active sand it says instant cycling just add fish, 50 lbs of live rock and getting more within the next two weeks, the contents i have in my 35 hex which i want to turn into fish only is 35 lbs live rock, sailfin tang,bangaii...
  20. tonyzick

    75 gallon startup question

    I finally started up my 75 gallon tank on Friday 9/27 after having it for 8 months empty in the basement. I used 80 lbs of bio-active live sand and 50 lbs of live rock. The sand package says instant cycling just add fish is this true ? I would like to add one fish a naso tang for now. When can i...